New lounge and music venue "The Proof" opened in Kinston

New lounge and music venue "The Proof" opened in Kinston

A new lounge and music venue named The Proof is poised to make its mark in Kinston, offering a fresh space for live music and community engagement. The Proof is located at 220 N Herritage Street.

Dave Mack, co-owner along with Matt Papurca, made the decision to bring The Proof to Kinston because of economic growth and changing landscape of the area.

"We wanted to create more than just a bar. The Proof will be a lounge with a country vibe, providing a platform for local bands and a variety of entertainment," Mack said.

Mack, originally from Pittsburgh, emphasized the importance of community involvement and changing perceptions about Kinston.

"We aim to showcase the vibrant local culture here. Kinston has a lot to offer, and we want The Proof to be a place where everyone feels welcome," Mack explained.

The Proof is currently active on Facebook and plans to have special events lined up for weekends. The venue's focus will be on fostering a dynamic music scene.

For more information and updates on The Proof visit their Facebook page.

The Proof promises to inject a fresh energy into Kinston's social scene. Papurca summed up the sentiment: "It's the best decision we made."

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