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Letter to the Editor: Dr. Pradeep Arumugham for Chris Humphrey

I am not black and I am not white. I am not a democrat and I am not a republican. Hell, I became eligible to vote only in 2015.  I wasn’t even born here but I have been in this country for 20 years and been in this county for the past 6 years. This place I have come to call home.

My political views are understandably difficult for many to clearly ascertain.My conservative friends find my views on national healthcare to be “amazingly liberal” in their opinions.My liberal friends find some of my more traditional views regarding the tenets of socialism and monetary policy to be outdated, and “too conservative.”I believe, overall, I am viewed as left of center, primarily because of my thoughts on Healthcare and because I do not approve of how our President communicates, and conducts himself at various times.These two views alone are enough for some to disregard my opinion on any topic.

I believe it is fair to criticize the shortcomings of those in power, regardless of their political affiliations, or mine.I believe truth should not be ignored for the sake of not hurting someone’s feelings, or being “disloyal” to a political party.I also believe we have a moral duty to make things better. I have learned that my views of the world do not allow me to fit neatly into any one box, or under one label.

I value the thoughts of intelligent people more than the “groupthink” which clearly seems to be required by all political parties.Because I value individual views, I believe I am destined to remain fiercely independent in thought, and political affiliation.

I am a Physician, and I love my profession.As a medical professional with an understanding of scientific research, I appreciate that inputs must change in order for outputs to change.My heart breaks when I see patients who do not receive the care they need, for whatever reason.I want to do something to address that problem, and I have given a great deal of thought to how best accomplish my goal.

I also believe our community faces many challenges that are compounded as we lose population.What we are doing as a community, and as a state is not working.Yelling, protesting, press conferences, accusations, lawsuits, or other tactics have not worked.None of those efforts have made a difference in the lives of my patients, our schools, or our community.It is time for us to become serious about finding solutions.

After much consideration, I have decided to support Chris Humphrey to be our State House Representative for District 12. I have had several conversations with Chris, and I want to give him a chance to help improve our situation in Lenoir County.I believe Chris is the best person for my vote, and I have also supported his campaign financially.

I don’t believe political parties are the answer, and I know they have never helped a single one of my patients.I do believe in people, and I know the value of communication.I intend to communicate with Chris regularly when he is in office.I also intend to continuously remind him that he serves the PEOPLE of district 12.I am making a change to the inputs, because I want to see different outputs – from me, and others.

It is time that we took steps to improve the future of Lenoir County.Let’s work together to do good things, and forget about labels.I urge you to vote for Chris Humphrey to be our State House Representative for District 12!

Dr. Pradeep Arumugham