North Lenoir DECA Students to hold blood drive Wednesday
A trio of North Lenoir students from the school’s DECA program are looking for participants at Wednesday’s blood drive.
Karrie Lyn Deaver, Gracie Herring and Olivia Sutton have created the event, which will take place at the North Lenoir gym from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. DECA leader Ashley Heath said the girls have done plenty to not only set up the event, but prepare for a competition in March where they’ll present their results.
“They have worked really hard trying to put this all together,” Heath said. “They did flyers, had a commercial video and will be going to the state competition in Greensboro in March with this project.”
Herring said there were other components, including constant contact with Red Cross representative Casey Stevens and preparing for the competition.
“We’ve been organizing absolutely everything about it — signing people up, scheduling appointments, reaching out to the community, having meetings with the Red Cross,” Herring said. (Also), over the next few months we have to write a very detailed paper with a minimum of 10 pages as well as make our presentation.
“Although it’s a lot for a couple of 15-year-olds that aren’t even old enough to give blood, we are making sure people are well aware of how they can save lives just by donating a pint.”