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Winterfest to be held Saturday at Pearson Park

Pearson Park will be the destination for a great celebration Saturday.

Winterfest will take place from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. with plenty for all ages. There will be numerous activities such as Christmas karaoke, face painting, games, a train to go through the park, a story time for the children and sledding. Santa Claus will also be in town and pictures can be taken.

Also, numerous Christmas characters will be in costume for the enjoyment of the masses.

“The idea is to bring back the magic to Kinston during the holiday season, returning some of its better features while trying to draw commerce,” Ellis Planetarium director Sarah Bartlett said.

The event is part of a Kinston Christmas, set by Pride of Kinston, and done by the Neuseway Nature Center. The event does cost, but Bartlett said it doesn’t have to be monetary.

“You have to give either a new or slightly used coat, a nonperishable food item or a small donation — around $5,” Bartlett said. “It’s more to do with the better part of the holiday, not getting but giving. Also, anyone who pays admission gets a raffle ticket to win a basket of winter goodies.”

For additional information, contact the Ellis Planetarium at 252-939-3302.