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Kinston Teens launches summer internship program

For high school and college students looking to make some additional money this summer, Kinston Teens has an internship.

Kinston Teens will be running its summer internship program for the third consecutive year, providing the opportunity for the youth to gain professional experience working for a nonprofit organization while making a difference in the local area. Chris Suggs, founder and CEO of Kinston Teens, said it’s exciting to have the opportunity to help others looking to impact the community in a positive manner.

“I’m proud that for the third year, our organization is able to provide a stipend for young people in our community to work with us,” Suggs said. “Not only are the interns working in our office, but they have a chance to organize civic engagement initiatives and really get involved in the community.”

The summer program will take place between July 9 and Aug. 20 and applicants must email a resume and a cover letter to by Saturday at midnight. Applicants also must be between the ages of 14 and 22, available for an in-person interview during the first week in July and have reliable transportation to and from work. A resident from any area can apply, as long as the initial requirements are met.

If selected, an intern will work an average of 15 hours per week during the six-week time period and will receive a stipend of $750, along with professional development training.

Suggs said the focus of the internships will be toward civic engagement and preparation for the 2018 midterm elections. Some of the duties of the interns will include coordinating door-to-door canvassing, working at community events to get residents registered to vote while informing them about the election and creating a social media campaign to increase civic participation.

“Like our municipal election last year, historically, midterm elections have low voter turnout,” Suggs said. “By starting so early, we hope to energize voters in Kinston, especially young voters, to make their voices heard at the polls.”

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