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Letter to the editor for January 6, 2019

Hurricanes and other natural disasters have given Americans a taste of what Imperial Washington has dealt other nations. Florida residents in the direct path of Hurricane Michael now know what a war zone is like. So do the people of wildfire-devastated Northern California. 

The individuals who have run the imperial U.S. government (USG) foreign policy for these many decades are no better than the looters who came in the aftermath of Michael. They have perpetrated misery and death on the peoples of many nations, from Vietnam to the present atrocity of Yemen. Severity has ranged from support of despotic regimes to wholesale destruction as in Iraq, Syria, etc. 

The latest USG plan is to escalate an arms race with Russia and China because of their alleged “massive” military build-ups. Their much smaller build-ups are the result of Demon City’s aggressive policy of USG worldwide control in which no other nation may dare to object. The War Party (made up of both neocon and liberal/left/progressive elements) that feeds the military-industrial-bankster-security-propaganda complex and its blind supporters have flippantly boasted about going to war with nuclear-armed Russia and/or China. These people belong in an insane asylum! 

A related item, even if only partially true, would help explain USG foreign policy since World War II. Namely, that “America hasn’t had a civilian government since the end of World War II.”(quote from a former military intelligence officer). The creation of the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency heralded in a new era in which these two behemoths became heavily involved in determining USG foreign policies.

Walter L Adams Jr

Jones County

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