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Reece Gardner: One of the greatest Christmas reunions ever

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I am so blessed to be spending this Christmas with my precious children and grandchildren. This is one of those special times that will remain clearly in my mind on into eternity. Sometimes it takes a special time, like Christmas, to bring loved ones together again. I recall the true story told by Pastor Adam Reid that makes that point. 

He and his wife were assigned to reopen a church in Brooklyn. They were excited about this new venture, but their excitement was tempered somewhat when they arrived and saw that their church was very run down and in need of repair. This was in October of 1975, and Adam, a new pastor at that time, wanted to have everything done in time to have their first service there on Christmas Eve 

They, along with volunteers, set to work painting, repairing pews, plastering walls, etc, and on December 18 the work was just about complete. But then on December 19 a very powerful rainstorm hit the area. The pastor was able to get back into the church on the 21st, only to discover that the roof had leaked, causing a large area of plaster to fall off the front wall of the sanctuary just behind the pulpit. He sadly concluded that the Christmas Eve service would have to be postponed. 

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But then, on his way home, he noticed that a local business was having a flea market sale, and he decided to stop by. One of the items on sale was a beautiful homemade ivory-colored, crocheted tablecloth, with a cross embroidered right in the center. Since it seemed just the right size to cover the hole in the front wall of the church, he bought it. 

On his way back to the church snow began to fall,  and an older woman was running toward a bus stop, but the bus pulled away before she could get there. There would be another bus arriving in 45 minutes, so the pastor invited her to come inside the church so she could be out of the snow while she waited. The pastor then climbed up a ladder and began putting the tablecloth in place. He was pleased to see that it covered the area perfectly. 

The woman, who had been sitting quietly in one of the pews, came forward and inquired as to where the pastor had gotten this cloth. She then asked him to check to see if the initials "EBE" were crocheted into it.  They were, and they were her initials. She explained that she had made this tablecloth 35 years ago when she and her husband were living in Austria, but then the Nazis came. Her husband helped her escape and promised to join her as soon as he could. But he was captured and sent to prison, and she had not heard from him since. 

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The pastor offered to give her the tablecloth, but she wanted it to remain in the church. He insisted that she let him drive her to her home in Staten  Island, and upon arrival there he escorted her to her 3rd-floor apartment. On Christmas Eve the church was able to have a very inspiring service.  As everyone was leaving, Pastor Reid noticed that an older gentleman, whom he knew from the neighborhood, remained seated. 

He asked he pastor about the tablecloth, stating that it was identical to the one his wife had made some 35 years ago when they lived in Austria. He stated, with tears in his eyes, that he had not seen her since that time. The pastor then asked the gentleman to take a ride with him to Staten Island. 

They arrived at the apartment where he had previously brought the lady. They climbed the 3 flights of stairs and knocked on the door. The lady opened the door, and Pastor Reid was privileged to see one of the GREATEST Christmas reunions ever. 


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