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ICYMI: NCWorks to host job fair at LCC

Originally published on 2/28/2019

People from all over Eastern North Carolina will soon have a chance to connect with dozens of prospective employers at an annual job fair hosted by Lenoir Community College.

On March 13, from 9 a.m.-noon, the NCWorks Career Center at LCC will host a job fair on Bobby Dawson Court in the school’s gymnasium, located in the student center on the main campus of LCC in Kinston.

According to Dawn Kantz, Director of Continuing Education Special Programs at LCC, more than 100 employers are expected to be present at the event with many different sectors of the economy represented, including manufacturing, service industries, healthcare, transportation, financial institutions, the military and recreation.

NCWorks Career Center Manager Samara Taft said the event is an important opportunity for employers and job seekers to connect.

“It’s about matching talent with the positions that employers have available,” she said.

She said some employers will be conducting interviews on site during the fair, so those coming in search of a job should come “dressed for success.”

Another must, Taft and Kantz said, is for job-seekers to come with copies of their resume to hand out to different employers at the fair. Those who need help polishing their resume can take advantage of the free resume lab offered daily at LCC by NCWorks. Open from 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday-Thursday and 8 a.m.-noon on Fridays, the resume lab is a free service open to the public. NCWorks is also offering an interview class on Wednesday, March 6. Anyone wishing register for that class should contact Kantz or Taft prior to that date.

Kantz said the job fair has been an important annual event for the career center for more than 20 years and it has grown from serving only LCC students to being open to everyone in the area during that time. Organization for the event takes place over the course of the whole year, and it is a key part of the career center’s mission.

There is still time for prospective employers to register, but the deadline is fast approaching. Registration closes Friday. The link to register is

For more information about the job fair, or to register for the interview class, email Dawn Kantz at, or by phone at 252-527-6223, Ext. 706; or email Samara Taft at, or by phone at 252-527 -6223, Ext. 111.