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Farmer's market update for 08/10/19

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What’s at the Farmer’s Market?

Ripe and Ready

Heirloom tomatoes, both German Johnson
Cherokee Purple(coming to an end soon)
Slicing and canning tomatoes
Sweet corn, white, yellow and bi-colored shucked and unshucked
Honey Dew melons
Not sure but maybe...SHELLED BUTTER BEANS
Cayenne peppers
Banana peppers
Yellow Squash
Sweet potatoes
New potatoes
Pink-eye , purple hull peas
Free range eggs
Local honey
South Carolina peaches, cherries and plums that are not local, but they are so good!

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Specialty Items

Wreaths, wall hangings, block lights and much more
Pork skins, pork rinds and fried peanuts
All kinds of pickles, salad dressings and

Specialty vegetables from Brothers Farm for August


Tasty jade cucumber

black beauty eggplant

Asian eggplant

Shishito peppers

Sweet snack pepper

Red Jalapeño

Cherry tomatoes

yellow squash

Butternut squash

Acorn squash

Few purple and gold potatoes

Genovese basil

Thai basil

Lemon basil

Holy basil


Bronze fennel

red blush pears



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Upcoming events at the Farmer's Market

August 4th through August 11th
Celebrating Farmers Markets throughout the United States of America for the role they play in our nation's food system, the role they play in fostering entrepreneurship, in stimulating local economies, in preserving farmland, in increasing access to nutritious food and in supporting healthy communities. Please come down to our market this week to thank our local farmers for all they do to provide us with fresh, local produce.

Saturday, August 17th
We will celebrate National Bee Day This is a great opportunity for children and adults to learn the importance of bees in agriculture and to learn what it means to be " BUSY AS A BEE ! " See poster at top of this newsletter for more information.

Saturday, November 23rd
Vivian Howard and Leraine Howard Tolston share their cooking talents with us. They are so popular and always draw a crowd. We really appreciate their interest in our vendors and our market. Come down to thank them in person!

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