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Governor Cooper: We owe it to small businesses to keep them afloat

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Governor Cooper made the following statement at a press conference today:

“Today I want to share some information about a new Executive Order and some information about the budget proposal we have been working on with the General Assembly this week. Our state has sent almost $580 million to over 257,000 people who’ve filed unemployment claims since the start of this pandemic. The Employment Security Commission continues to make improvements in its filing process & call center but more work must be, and is being, done.

“We know this virus is taking a serious toll on our economy and workforce, and we can’t lose sight of how this virus is impacting families in North Carolina. I’ve signed a new Executive Order today to help furloughed workers whose employers have paid them a severance or furlough payment. Before this order these employees were ineligible for unemployment compensation. With this order, they now qualify.

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“We are working with legislators to try to codify into law this order and my other orders on unemployment benefits. Next week when the General Assembly returns, we hope to get consensus on more help for North Carolina. We also know that our economy, working people, small businesses and state and local governments need financial help. Our team is compiling recommendations for how we allocate the first share of federal money that has come down to our state from Washington.

“General Assembly leaders and I agree that we need to make more funding available for small business owners. And we'll do that by providing funding to the Rapid Recovery Program through the Golden LEAF Foundation, which is up & running and can act quickly to get funding to people.

“Small business is the lifeblood of our economy, and many who built these businesses are struggling. We owe it to them to help keep them afloat until it’s safe to begin easing restrictions. This money now is important in that federal small business money has been depleted.

“Our budget proposal has three broad areas of focus: first: immediate public health and safety like testing and tracing of the virus; two: schools and other core state government services; and three: small business and local government assistance.

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“I will recommend funding for more PPE, cleaning supplies & more contact tracers who can track the spread of COVID-19; school nutrition to make sure children are still getting meals, support for local governments & underserved communities, assistance for public schools and more.

“As we move through another week battling this pandemic, I want to again thank our frontline workers – you're making tremendous sacrifices to take care of our families and ensure we can be healthy and safe as we stay at home. We are deeply grateful for the work you do every day.

“I know that many people are frustrated, restless, anxious, and eager to get back to work and school. I also know that many people want to make sure that their families are as safe as possible from this virus.

“I and my Coronavirus Task Force, which is made up of business, health, education and other leaders, are getting input from around the state as we prepare plans to ease restrictions, protect public health & get our economy moving forward. Right now, staying home is saving lives.”

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