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Rev. Dr. Michelle Gooding: Easter is not canceled!

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So what do you say— do you tell people “Happy Holy Week?’”

“You could say 'Happy Easter,’ when it’s actually Easter day, or ‘Christ is Risen!’. Normally there are so many activities during the week before Easter.  This year is different but should be no less activity in our hearts.

This is the highlight of the Christian calendar.  

Holy Week, we waved palms in the air and hailed Jesus as king, the long-awaited messiah saving us, never mind, we change our minds and scream to the Romans, crucify him; we share a loving last supper with Jesus and we even wash feet, followed by a sneak out after dinner and betray him.  We abandon him, he’s arrested and beaten; he forgives us still. Jesus is killed; we lay him in the tomb and weep; we go back for him, then he’s gone, then he’s back, and then — wait! — he's not dead at all.

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On Palm Sunday we celebrate Jesus triumphantly riding into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. The streets lined with people yelling ‘hosanna’ and waving palm branches. The long awaited Messiah who would save them.

On Holy Monday Jesus threw all the money changers and vendors out of the Temple. 

On Holy Tuesday, Jesus spent most of the day on the Mount Of Olives, where he preached what we now know as the’ Sermon on The Mount’, telling crowds of people what Heaven would be like and how we could join Him.

On Spy Wednesday we remember Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. 

On Maundy Thursday, Jesus shared a common meal with his disciples - we call this the Eucharist or Communion. 

After the last supper, Jesus went to the Garden at Gethsemane to pray. His disciples went with him but they fell asleep.  He prayed anyway.

Judas then let the Romans guards know who Jesus was by kissing him.

I often shake my head at the name 'Good Friday' – The very day  Jesus was brought before Pilate, the Roman governor, and sentenced to death. He went to Golgotha Hill, carrying the very cross he was to be crucified on. 

Jesus' body is taken down from the cross and buried in a borrowed tomb.  It’s always nice to return things you borrow and Jesus would not need the tomb long.

Holy Saturday ends the season of Lent for Easter Sunday is a celebration of new life. Holy Saturday is a day of waiting for the resurrection on Easter Sunday. 

Although many churches have not observed and organized what they normally do for Easter.  We can still celebrate. In our homes we can still hold an Easter Vigil or a sunrise devotional in our home to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as the sun comes up. We can attend dress up and participate in  church drive-in service and make this 2020 Easter Sunday a banner day for Jesus and Christians . Let us revel in the fact that with the death and resurrection of Jesus, we all have new and eternal life. All our sins have been forgiven with His death and we have been promised a place in Heaven for eternity.

So as we continue this Holy Week, think about each of the days and what preparation we can make to be ready for the festive celebration of the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday.  This 2020 Easter Sunday, will be like no other we have ever experienced. Please spread the word, Easter is not canceled; Jesus Rose on the third day with all power in His Hands and He Rose In Me.

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