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Sheriff warns: Lock your doors

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This past holiday weekend, some of Greater Lenoir County citizens became victims of crime after someone entered their unlocked vehicles in the Falling Creek / North Lenoir area of Lenoir County.

We are actively investigating these numerous crimes to identify a suspect and do hope we identify the person(s) so they can be charged, but we have to ask you to do your part. Take steps to prevent yourself from being a victim.

Lock your vehicles at home
Lock your storage buildings
Remove valuables from your vehicle each night
Remove firearms from your vehicle each night
Leave lighting on around your home
Report suspicious activity or persons

Unfortunately, these crimes of chance by thief occur all of the time, but you can help prevent them. All of the victims this weekend reported only unlocked vehicles were windows broken...just unlocked doors opened. We will continue our investigation, but PLEASE do your part to not become a victim.

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