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Greene County COVID-19 vaccine update

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Snow Hill, NC – The Greene County Department of Public Health thanks you for your interest in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Unfortunately, we are currently booked to capacity for the next two weeks for  COVID-19 vaccination appointments.

A waitlist is now being made for those persons 75 years of age or older that have not yet been scheduled for an appointment. If you were previously instructed to wait 2- 3 weeks to call back for an appointment please call The Greene County Department of Public Health  back to be placed on the waitlist. 

We thank you for your patience with us at this time as we continuously work to improve this process and provide the vaccine to those who are currently eligible according to the state’s vaccination plan. You may receive a busy signal when calling our office due to the high call volume, but please be sure to call us back and try again so we can take your request.  

Vaccine is limited, but we are hopeful that supply will continue to increase. Our main goal is to vaccinate everyone who is interested in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine as quickly and efficiently as possible. Greene County is continuing to monitor the situation and its impact on our community. New  information will be shared as necessary. Residents who feel they are in need of COVID-19 testing, can go to the Farmers Market on Mondays from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.  

Greene County Department of Public Health COVID-19 updates will appear on our website at and our Facebook page @greenecountydepartmentofpublichealth.  For more information on COVID-19, please visit the NC Department of Health and Human Services website at and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at

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