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Perry campaign exceeds cash goal

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According to campaign finance reports maintained by the North Carolina State Board of Elections, NC State Senator Jim Perry (R-Lenoir) has been an outstanding campaign fundraiser during his short time in the North Carolina General Assembly.  His campaign committee reported over $1,500,000 in receipts during the last election cycle and he is on track to exceed that number this cycle.

“We will exceed our goal of $500,000 ‘Cash on Hand’ by December 31st.  It takes money to win elections.  I need to make sure I win, but I also need help other conservatives from around the state.  I want to help Senator Berger lead a supermajority in the NC Senate.”

Senator Jim Perry was unanimously elected by his peers to serve as Senate Majority Whip in his first full term.  He Serves as Chairman of Healthcare, Chairman of Appropriations on Health and Human Services, and Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Storm Related River Debris and Damage.

“I am thankful I have great support from small business owners who appreciate that I have felt their same struggles.  I am a businessman who fell into politics, not some lifelong politician.”

Perry is a pro business, pro economy, small government conservative.  He believes the majority of people in North Carolina are freedom lovers, and they just want to be left alone by government.

“As a minimum, I want everyone to remember these numbers:  three, two and one.  We need to see three additional conservatives in the House, two additional conservatives in the Senate, and one additional conservative on the NC Supreme Court.  Virginia showed us a clear path.  If the people in the East stand with me, and we hit those numbers, we will have our own “lockdown.”  We will lockdown government overreach.”

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