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Reece Gardner: ID requirement is not a novel idea

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Just recently, on September 17, a 3-judge panel of the Wake County Superior Court ruled 2-1 that North Carolina's Voter ID Law violates the State Constitution and cannot be put in force. These two judges wrote that the attorneys defending the law failed to prove that it was not discriminatory.

However, they did rule that they did not find any individual lawmaker who supported the law who did so because of any racial animosity but rather that the Legislature's GOP majority targeted those voters because they were more likely to be Democrats. In the dissenting vote, Judge Nat Poovey wrote that the evidence presented actually showed that the measure was bipartisan and one that had been supported along the way by various members of both major political parties. An attorney for NC House Speaker Tim Moore(R), one of the defendants in the lawsuit, said the Court's ruling would be appealed. Moore's General Counsel, Sam Hayes, issued this statement: "Once again, liberal judges have defied the will of North Carolinians on election integrity. Voters of this State have repeatedly supported a Voter ID requirement - going so far as to enshrine it in our State Constitution." Hayes concluded by saying, "This fight is far from over."

Folks, the requirement to show an ID at the polls is not exactly a novel one, with multiple states requiring it. Also, it bears repeating that any voter can obtain a Voter ID Card, free of charge, and that even without this ID, voters can still cast a provisional ballot which will be counted if the voter's eligibility can be confirmed. In fact, the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld Voter ID, determining that such requirements are not the equivalent of poll taxes and do not infringe on anyone's right to vote. There has probably never been a greater time than now to ensure that our electoral process is fair in every way. I believe the overwhelmingly majority of our people simply want free and fair elections, and that we should resolve to accept nothing less than that.

In my Column last week I wrote about My Daughter Jessica, my Grand Daughter Rachel, and special friend Carla Gray traveling in Italy. They will be wrapping up that journey in just a few more days, but precious memories will remain forever. They compiled many photos of being on the site of historic areas such as the Roman Forum - The Sacred Way- which is at the heart of ancient Rome, visiting beautiful vineyards in Florence, seeing the beauty of the Tuscan Wine Country, enjoying scenic boat rides, theme parks, shows and concerts, and more. But I would bet that what they enjoyed most of all was meeting wonderful new people and establishing new friendships that will last a lifetime.

Now to close on a humorous note: A police officer came upon a wreck where the driver and passengers had been killed. As he looked upon the wreckage, a little monkey came out of the brush and hopped around the crashed car. The officer looked down at the monkey and said, "I wish you could talk." The monkey looked up at the officer and shook his head up and down. "You can understand what I'm saying?" asked the officer. Again, the monkey shook his head up and down. "Well, did you see this?" "Yes," motioned the monkey. "What happened?" The monkey pretended to have a can in his hand, and turned it up to his mouth. "They were drinking?" asked the officer. "Yes." "What else?" The monkey pinched his fingers together and held them to his mouth. "They were smoking marijuana?" "Yes." "Now wait. You're saying your owners were drinking and smoking marijuana before they wrecked." "Yes." "And what were you doing all this time?" "Driving," motioned the monkey. Have a GREAT day!

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