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Rep. Chris Humphrey: February Legislative Update

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Dear Neighbor,

Thank you for taking the time to read our latest newsletter. This edition aims to provide you with insights and information on everything we're doing to serve you, both in Raleigh and at-home in Lenoir, Jones, and Greene counties. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. As always, please let me know if our office can be of any assistance to you.

At your service,
Chris Humphrey
State Representative

Sworn-in for 3rd Term

On January 11, I took the oath of office to officially begin my 3rd term in the NC House of Representatives - serving as the voice of Lenoir, Greene, and Jones counties. The day was made even more special by having my daughter and my wife with me on the floor, and having several of Greene County’s finest elected officials join us for this occasion. This is a responsibility that I will never take lightly. I’m committed to fighting for Eastern NC and advocating for the constituents of District 12.

Committee Appointments

At the beginning of the 2023 Session, I was appointed by House Speaker Tim Moore to serve as the Chairman of the House Committee on Insurance and as a Vice-Chair of the Disaster Recovery & Homeland Security Committee. In addition, I was also appointed to serve as a member of Agriculture, Appropriations, Appropriations - Agriculture, Natural & Economic Resources, and Health committees.

It is truly an honor to have been re-appointed by the Speaker to serve in these roles. I’m excited to continue the important work of keeping insurance costs low for businesses and families.

The General Assembly has already taken a huge step forward in preparing North Carolina for future natural disasters and flood events; however, this was just the start and I’m excited to take a proactive approach to make our state more resilient for decades to come.

Visit with Jones County Leadership

On January 17, Senator Brent Jackson and I visited with Jones County Manager Kyle Smith and Sheriff Wineman to discuss the needs of the community. I’m thankful to have an open line of communication with the County, and for all they do for the citizens of our community. I look forward to continuing to work together to ensure the success of Eastern NC.

LCC Foundation Board of Directors

Earlier this month, Lenoir Community College Foundation’s Board of Directors had our first meeting of 2023. I have been a member of the Board for over 20 years now, and it is truly an honor to serve in this capacity. The Foundation partners with community leaders, business owners, and government agencies to advance access to educational opportunities in Lenoir, Greene, and Jones Counties.

Soup & A Bowl

I had a wonderful time at the 24th Annual “Soup & A Bowl” event hosted by the Community Council for the Arts-Kinston, NC. It was great to connect and spend time with many of my constituents, including Sheriff Jackie Rogers, Joyce Tilghman, and her son Bill Tilghman.

Golden LEAF Grant Awards

This week, the Golden LEAF Foundation voted to award funds for the following projects in our district:

$50,000 to Greene County to prepare a parcel of land for industrial development, which will create new jobs.
$1,500,000 to Lenoir County to extend water and sewer infrastructure for the Highway 70 Industrial Park. The project is anticipated to result in 500 new jobs with an average annual salary of $50,000.
$1,000,000 to Lenoir Community College for training equipment and professional development to support a new regional Aviation Center for Excellence at the Global TransPark that will house aviation, aircraft maintenance, and advanced manufacturing programs. The college anticipates recruiting 80 students annually to be trained, earn industry credentials, and be eligible for jobs with aviation employers in the region. This project will be implemented in Lenoir, Jones, and Greene county schools.

I’m thankful that Golden LEAF partners with us to increase economic opportunity in our community.

ECCOG Legislative Breakfast

On January 23, I had the opportunity to attend the Eastern Carolina Council of Governments' Legislative Breakfast which was hosted right in my backyard at Kings Restaurant in Kinston. It was great hearing updates from my colleagues Senator Jim Perry, Sen. Norman Sanderson, and Senator Michael Lazzara. I appreciate working with these fine men to help make Eastern NC the best place to live, work, and raise a family.

Bryan Hanks Show

Recently, I had the opportunity to be a guest speaker on The Bryan Hanks Show with UNC sophomore guard Dontrez Styles. As a proud Carolina fan, I had such a great time talking about my love for UNC basketball, while also informing the community about the key issues that the legislature will be faced with during the long session.

Click here to listen to the show.

Committee to Elect Republican Women

We had a wonderful time celebrating the official first day of legislative business by going to the Annual Republican Women’s breakfast at City Club Raleigh, hosted by the Committee to Elect Republican Women. They had a great turnout and I’m thankful for all the work they do across the state to pave the way for women in politics.

We’re in Raleigh to serve YOU!

Following the first official week of legislative business for the 2023 session, there have been 47 bills filed in the House and 65 in the Senate. The House of Representatives is set to reconvene on Monday, February 6, 2023, at 4:30 PM to continue committee work and bill filing.

I'm proud to have signed on as a co-sponsor to the following bills:

HB 6: Uniformed Heroes Voting Act

  • This bill ensures that no individual will be denied their right to vote based on the way that they appear at the polling place – whether this is a police officer, first responder, or military personnel if they choose to vote while in uniform.

HB 10: Require Sheriffs to Cooperate with ICE

  • The bill would require NC sheriffs to contact ICE if they cannot confirm the citizenship status of someone in their custody accused of serious felonies and violent crimes.

HB 14: Back the Blue Act of 2023

  • Revenue Laws Study Committee to study the cost/benefit of excluding law enforcement retirement pay for the state individual income tax.

HB 21: Energy Security Act of 2023

  • Requires public utilities to provide security systems for substations to protect against vandalism and other threats to their infrastructure.

HB 34: Protect Those Who Serve and Protect Act

  • Increases the punishment for discharging or attempting to discharge a firearm at or into an unoccupied emergency vehicle – or pointing a laser device at a LEO or Emergency Personnel or animal.

HB 35: Expand Definition of Opioid Antagonist

  • Expanding the state's definition of opioid antagonist to include all opioid antagonists approved by the FDA for the treatment of a drug overdose. 

  • Allows the use of such federal food and drug-approved opioid antagonists in needle and hypodermic syringe exchange programs.

HB 38: Entry Fees for HS Interscholastic Events

  • Requires the acceptance of cash and senior tar heel cards for admission to high school interscholastic athletic activities.

HB 40: Prevent Rioting and Civil Disorder 

  • Significantly increases the penalties for rioting and related crimes within North Carolina.

    • Damage to property, serious bodily injury, or death and assaulting emergency personnel during a riot or state of emergency; allows for the recovery of any damages for property or personal injury.

HB 49: Protect Religious Meeting Places

  • Authorizes the act of carrying a handgun in a place of religious worship that is also educational property when outside of school operating hours (including extracurricular activity) and any time the premises are being used for programs for minors by entities not affiliated with the religious institution. 

  • This is permissive language where churches would have to opt-in and the property is not posted with a notice prohibiting carrying a concealed handgun on the premises. 

I want to remind you all that my office is open as a resource to the 80,000+ constituents of mine that reside in Lenoir, Greene, and Jones counties. I’m here to take your feedback, answer your questions, and help you to cut through the bureaucracy of state government. Feel free to reach out to my office if we can ever be of service to you.

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