Neuse News

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How to get the word out with Neuse News

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Looking to stay up-to-date on the latest news and happenings in Lenoir, Greene, and Jones Counties? Look no further than Neuse News! With daily updates on events, politics, business, and community news, Neuse News is your go-to source for everything happening in eastern North Carolina.

Subscribe to Neuse News

Neuse News is a news outlet that serves Lenoir, Greene, and Jones Counties. Neuse News offers a variety of ways for subscribers to engage with their services and utilize their platform to promote their own businesses and events.

One way to engage with Neuse News is by purchasing classifieds, which include options such as obituaries*, event promotion, job postings, public notices, and a sponsored business directory. These options allow subscribers to promote their own businesses, events, and announcements to Neuse News' audience of over 100,000 monthly website visitors and 5,000 daily email subscribers.

To order classifieds, subscribers can visit the Neuse News website and click on the "Order Classifieds" option in the upper left menu. From there, they can select the appropriate classified option and follow the prompts to complete their order. All submissions will be included in the next morning's email, Neuse Newsletter, given a web page link to share, and will be posted on the Neuse News Facebook page. Submissions must be completed and checked out a minimum of 48 hours before the desired publishing date, with high-quality images and photos preferred.

Another way to engage with Neuse News is by submitting press releases or letters to the editor for potential publication. Press releases can be submitted to, while letters to the editor can be sent to These submissions may also be included in the Neuse Newsletter and posted on social media.

Finally, businesses can become members of the Neuse News Sponsored Business Directory, which promotes local businesses to Neuse News' audience. Membership is limited to three members per classification (e.g. landscaping, dentistry), and includes promotion in the Neuse Newsletter and on social media. Membership costs $125 per month through a recurring charge.

Neuse News offers a range of opportunities for subscribers to engage with their platform, including classifieds, press releases, letters to the editor, and membership in the Sponsored Business Directory. By utilizing these options, subscribers can promote their own businesses and events to Neuse News' audience throughout eastern North Carolina.

*The Neuse News obituary system is designed for funeral homes. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis.

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