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Mike Parker: Notes from 14 years ago

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First, a confession: Sandra and I are pack rats. We have mounds of stuff “saved” because we never know when we might need it. Most of my packs are books and old papers – newspapers, student papers, and drafts of things I have written. For her – well, I don’t think she has ever come across anything of hers that she feels does not have value.

Like an archeologist doing a dig, she came across a 4-inch by 8.5-inch spiral notebook with an orange cover that said: “celebrate.” When she opened it, she discovered that the notes on these pages date from 2009. The first note was on April. 5. The last was October 20.

She read through her notes for a couple of days and then handed me the notebook to read Thursday evening. I have not read all the notes at the time of this writing, but I have read enough to discover several important themes.

The first important theme is family. Her first note is a joint birthday party for Lydia’s son Jaxen and Sara’s daughter Taylor. Taylor’s birthday is April 2, and Jaxen was born one year and 13 days later. The party occurred at Sara and Anthony’s house as the family gathered for a cousin’s celebration.

On April 12, Sandra recorded that Rachel, Abby, Isaiah, and I left on April 10 to visit my mother in Ohio – Abby and Isaiah’s Great-Grandma Irene. Sandra joined Michael’s family – sans Isaiah – for an Easter celebration that included an Easter Egg Hunt. Sandra wrote, “It was the first time in about 55 years that I’ve hunted Easter eggs.”

I was confused. Sandra has told me for years – both then and now – that she is only 28. How can someone 28 be hunting Easter eggs for the first time in 55 years? Hmmmm.

In 2009 Sandra was still working at the main library of the Neuse Regional Library System. On April 14, she had story time at 4 p.m. One of the adults who brought children to that story time told Sandra she had a lovely singing voice.

Toward the end of April, she started her countdown to retirement. On April 25, she did her last 3 p.m. Story Time. On April 26, she worked her last Sunday. On April 28, she did her final Toddler Story Time at 9:15 a.m. and her last Pre-School Story Times at 9:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Her final day at the library was April 30. On May 5, the library staff hosted a retirement party for her. She listed family and friends who attended. For many, she even mentioned the retirement gifts they gave her.

Sandra worked at the public library for 12 years. For years after she retired, when we would go places, children and young people would greet her as “The Library Lady.” Her service in the Children’s Room impacted many young folks. One of those whose lives she touched even became a five-time Jeopardy! Champion.

On April 16, she wrote these words:

“I wish I had started my ‘celebrate’ [notebook] the first of the year. We have had birthdays left and right. Abigail Grace was born February 7, 2009. Beautiful does not even come close to saying how pretty she is. I stayed two glorious weeks with Rachel and Abby. Michael had surgery on his left knee on Wed., 4-08-09. Sara and her girls came on 4-14-09 to meet me after work. We ate at Andy’s on Vernon Ave. I was excited and happy to be with them. Haley and Taylor rode with me and sat with me at Andy’s.”

As I read through the first pages of her ‘celebrate’ notebook, her joy in our family shines. Words from 2009 – 14 years ago – are more poignant today than when she first recorded her thoughts.

Being a pack rat may not be all that bad.

Mike Parker is a columnist for the Neuse News. You can reach him at

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