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Kinston Police Department’s Violent Crime Action Team Named Gang Unit of the Year

Photo: Submitted by Zac Holcomb.

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The Kinston Police Department's Violent Crime Action Team (VCAT) was honored with the prestigious Gang Unit of the Year award on August 8, 2023, at the North Carolina Gang Investigator's Association conference in Winston-Salem.

The award, celebrated by members of the unit, recognizes the substantial work done by the VCAT to suppress gang activity, lower the homicide and violent crime rate, and enhance the safety of the Kinston community.

Chief Goyette said, “The Kinston Police Department is very excited to accept this award, and we are grateful our officers were recognized for their continued dedication to providing safety for our community.”

The Violent Crime Action Team was instituted to focus on those responsible for the majority of shootings in the city, targeting 14 different gangs currently operating in Kinston. The unit employs investigative policing, crime mapping, surveillance techniques, and confidential informants to target violent repeat offenders. They also work closely with local law enforcement partners, including the Lenoir County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina State Bureau of Investigations, North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement, and Federal Law Enforcement partners.

According to Chief Goyette, the results have been extraordinary.

“Since the inception of the Violent Crime Action Team, violent crime has plummeted drastically. Two murders have occurred (closed/cleared by arrest) compared to eight (last year), and gang shootings have been slashed in half.”

Statistics provided by the Kinston Police Department display an impressive reduction in crime rates, with a 75% reduction in murders, a 49% reduction in gang shootings, and a 58% increase in weapon seizures.

In addition to crime suppression, VCAT emphasizes education and community engagement. Detectives host symposiums, work closely with School Resource Officers (SROs) to identify suspected gang members, and liaise with Lenoir County Juvenile Services and the District Attorney's Office to ensure appropriate legal procedures.

“There is no question VCAT has had a direct impact on violent crime rates throughout the City of Kinston,” Chief Goyette said. “Through public education and training, officer visibility, and proactive interactions with gangs, the unit has undoubtedly enhanced the quality of life and safety in neighborhoods severely impacted by criminal street gangs.”

The Kinston Police Department's success underscores a significant positive shift in public safety and crime reduction. The city administration and the community will celebrate the accomplishments of the Violent Crime Action Team in the upcoming City Council meeting, where the award will be displayed.

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