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Letter to the Editor: Breast Cancer Awareness

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It is the time of year, when the days of Autumn have descended. Leaves are beginning to change colors and are scattered upon the ground. The anticipation of cooler weather is a welcome change. It such a time like this that I have learned to appreciate. As we indulge our minds and thoughts of this most beautiful time of the year. I am mindful of the importance of the month of October.

Why am I mindful? It is because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. During this month, there is an awareness about the disease, its prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. Several years ago, out of the clear blue sky, after getting a routine mammogram I embarked upon a journey that I never imagined that I would ever have to experience. This journey showed me how strong I could be and how my relationship with God would carry me through a most difficult and scary time in my life.

On a hot humid day March 2017 I was scheduled to get an annual mammogram examination. My only concern was that at school that particular day Field Day activities were taking place. Most of the day students, teachers, parents and volunteers were outside a considerable amount of time. It was a sunny, hot, and humid day. The weather conditions were uncomfortable.

At the end of the school day my only concern was not being able to go home to freshen up before going to my appointment. Little did I realize that there were more important things that I needed to be concerned about. I arrived at the doctor’s office and began the event that is detested by most women. At times it concerns me that there should be an easier way to get this procedure done.

Oh well, it had to be done. When I arrived at my destination, registered for my appointment and waited a few minutes before being called to the procedure room to begin the mammogram procedure. The procedure lasted for awhile. Upon completion, I was allowed to go home. The next day I was notified to return for reexamination of an area that was concerning to the doctor.

My Goodness, I thought to myself . There were so many concerns that entered my thoughts. Immediately I began to seek God for peace concerning this situation. The next day I got the shock of my life. After careful review of the results, I began my journey of having to seek a plan of treatment for breast cancer. The cancer that was detected was considered early stage. My treatment involved surgery to remove the area that was affected and a five day, twice a day radiation treatment.

Also I was prescribed a preventative medication that I took for three years. My situation was somewhat minor as compared to some other women facing a cancer diagnosis. On average 42,500 women will die from breast cancer in 2024. The breast cancer that I experienced was detected when I got a mammogram. I believe that if I had not gotten a mammogram, I would never have known that I had early stage breast cancer. Nine out of ten women have a successful treatment with early detection of breast cancer.

In some cases breast cancer is not detected by self examination.Therefore, it is critical that women get mammogram examinations. Ladies make it a priority to get an annual mammogram breast examination. It could possible save your life. Because of the faith I have in God I was able to over come this ordeal with a positive attitude and the reassurance that God would take care of me.

It is also my belief that the team of doctors that were assembled and in charge of my treatment were instrumental in the positive outcome that I received. I continue to thank God daily for the treatment that I was given. In closing, wearing pink during the month of October or wearing a pink ribbon signifies the significance of Breast Cancer Awareness for women. If you see me out and about during the month of October, expect to see me styling in pink. I challenge all women to wear something pink during the month of October. 

 Written by Jean C. Hill A Breast Cancer Survivor

Grifton, NC

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