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Lesley Rigsby: Obedience

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 Have you ever been asked to do something that you felt you were not qualified to do or something way outside your comfort zone? Maybe you were asked to give a speech to a large group of people, or presented with a job or task you felt you were not qualified to do. God often nudges us to do uncomfortable things, but are we willing to take the leap of faith? Do we listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit whispering in our ear, “You can do it” or the anxious voice screaming in our head,” You can’t do that”.

Obedience is defined as compliance with an order, request, or submission to another's authority. From a very early age we are taught to obey and trust our parents, grandparents, teachers, law enforcement etc.  When they say, “Don’t touch that stove or it will burn you, if you study hard, you will make good grades, or nothing is impossible” did we always believe them?  No, we did not, why? Were you the child that just had to touch the stove to see if it would really burn you? For me yes, I had to test it out for myself. 

In February, I found myself at a crossroad. I was being nudged by God to step out of my comfort zone to take on the role of Kinston Center Director of EPIC. Understand, I was already working part time at UNC Health Lenoir in the Family Birth Center where I have been a nurse for 19 years. I was also working in Greenville two days a week at the Carolina Pregnancy Center, as their nurse. I was a mother of three adult children, Lollie, 4 beautiful grandchildren and a wife. I absolutely did not need one more thing to add to my plate. I wrestled with, “God, are you sure you want me to do this” to “Girl, yes the center needs you” Crazy I know. It would have been so much easier for me to just ignore the nudging and go on about my life. However, God had a bigger plan, so I took the leap of faith and added one more thing to my plate.

Wow! what a journey I was about to take. Daily I had to stand on the promise that God made in   (Hebrew 13: 5) when He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”, and He never did. I had to hold fast to (Joshua 1:9) “ Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”, and He was always with me. There were many times a day I would have to quote (Proverbs 3:5-6) to myself, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight”, and He always directed me. 

Just when I thought ok great everything is perfect, I can take a breath. God began to nudge me again. He began to speak, “You have done what I needed you to do, pass the torch”. I was sure I must have misunderstood.  I thought no way after only 7 months and all this work you can’t possibly be saying what I think you are saying. Yet again the nudging would not stop, and God was asking me to be obedient to His plan for my life, as well as for EPIC. God began to remind me I have created you to be a nurse.  I need you to step back into the role of the nurse which I had done since 2009 with EPIC as a volunteer. So, I did what I knew God was leading me to do pass the torch and embrace my calling as a nurse.

The journey of obedience hasn’t been easy, and I am far from perfect, but I wouldn’t trade any of my time as the Kinston Center Director for the world. Each nudge has made me bolder and stronger. I have meet people I would have never met, helped minister and pour into people’s lives that desperately needed to be loved, seen God work in amazing ways, pushed myself more than I ever thought possible, and have grown tremendously.

When you feel that nudge on your heart to do something uncomfortable, or maybe even a little crazy, will you act on it? Will you let down your guard, step out and do the scary thing? I can tell you right now, there isn’t anything too big or too scary for our God. He’s writing your story … just let Him take the lead.

Lesley H Rigsby, RN

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