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Lesley Rigsby: It takes everyone working together

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Have you ever played a team sport? If so, you understand it takes everyone working together to be successful.  You win as a team, and you lose as a team. In soccer, you have eleven players on the field at a time. Can you imagine one person trying to cover every position on the field against eleven other players. It would be impossible. They would be running all over the place and after a little while they would become overwhelmed and tired.

 In life it is important for us to understand it often takes teamwork for things to happen. In a hospital it takes lots of people working together to meet the needs of the patients. In a church it takes people with different talents to come together to grow and meet the needs of the congregation and community.  In your day-to-day life you will often need the help of others to be the best you can be. It is not always easy to ask for help. I understand this far too well. I have often had the mindset, “I will just do it myself” or “I don’t need any help.” I want you to understand- life is not always easy. You want always have the answers to your questions. You will face mountains that will be difficult to climb and valleys that may be lonely but take heart you do not have to do it alone.  

Let me assure you, I have learned this the hard way.  In Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 it tells us, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls one can help the other up.” Are you currently in a job role where you are feeling overwhelmed and tired? Do you have a mountain before you that you can’t climb alone.  Are you facing a situation you don’t have the answers to? Stop for a moment and ask yourself, “Am I feeling this way or facing this situation because I am not a team player? Am I trying to do this without asking for help? Am I like the soccer player running around the field trying to play against eleven players by myself, or are you on a team where no one else but you is playing? Exam the situation and look at the whole picture. Are you not seeking the help you need? If so, make today the day you say, “I need help, I can’t do this alone”. Are you the one putting in all the effort and those around you are not being a team player? If so, find your voice and share your thoughts and concerns because you are worth it! You matter, and you are important! 

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken”. Ecclesiastes 4:12.

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