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Lenoir County restaurant inspections

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The following restaurant inspections were conducted by the Lenoir County Health Department:

Pizza Plus

4149 Hwy 11 S, Deep Run

Date: 5/04

Score: 98


Observed accumulated grease, and other debris on equipment, inside reach in coolers, gaskets and pizza pans.

Floors walls and ceilings need additional cleaning. Grease and other debris build up around cooking equipment.

Pizza Villa

1400 W Vernon Avenue, Kinston

Date: 3/23

Score: 92


Observed 1 employee turn off faucet with bare hands. Employee should use a barrier to avoid recontamination.

Observed heavy build up on the inside shoot of the ice machines.

Observed employee making silverware packets and touching the food contact side with bare hands while making the packets.

Employees were not wearing hair nets when prepping food and wearing watches.

Observed cutter wedged in between metal cambros in the pizza prep top.

Pizza prep reach in doors has torn gaskets.

Observed build up of water in the bottom of the pizza reach in cooler.

Observed employee vape pen and other belongings on prep tables.

San Juan Mexican Restaurant

2423 N Herritage Street, Kinston

Date: 4/04

Score: 90


Dispenser of soap not working at hand wash sink beside the dish area. Batteries need to be changed to work properly.

Raw eggs stored above ready to eat foods and produce in walk in cooler.

Sanitizer too strong as only bleach was used. Bleach shall be properly mixed with water to create the correct concentration of sanitizer.

Build up observed on inside of ice machine. Visibly dirty stainless steel pans were stored with clean items.

Deli meat slicer and pin of can opener visibly dirty.

Chicken and chicken broth cooked last night had temperatures of 52. These items did not properly cool down to 41 degrees within the 6 hour time frame.

Lettuce, Sour Cream, potatoes, and Cojitia quesos above 41 degrees.

Salsa containers did not have a date marking sticker to show the date prepared. All items in the meat cooler were mislabeled with incorrect dates. Employees were dating the items with the date placed in this cooler instead of the date prepared.

Spray bottles of cleaners were not labeled.

Flies and roaches present in establishment. Establishment shall obtain better pest control.

Ice scoop was sitting on top of dusty ice machine.

Several dishes were found stacked wet.

Large hole in walk in cooler.

Drain boards or table space is needed on both ends of the 3 compartment sink, the left end is missing a drainboard/table space area.

Build up observed on gaskets of refrigerators and on the shelving units.

Leak at hand wash sink beside dish washing area.

Several floor tiles broken throughout kitchen. Caulking along baseboard is not smooth and easily cleanable.

Floors, walls, and ceilings need additional cleaning. Wall in dish area is soiled.

Employee belongings stored in dry storage areas with tortillas, take out trays, etc. Employees shall have a designated area to store their belongings to prevent contamination.

Save Mart of Lenoir, Inc.

107 S Wooten Street, La Grange

Date: 4/13

Score: 94.5


No CFPM working at the time of inspections. A CFPM shall be on working at all hours of operation.

Chili and coleslaw stored inside the 2 door reach in were discolored and molded.

Sanitizer in the 3 compartment sink was too weak, less than 100 ppm.

Inside of ice machine had black growth at the top and on the shield.

No quat test strips available only bleach.

Observed small holes in FRP board above the prep sinks.

Smithfield's Chicken 'N Bar-B-Q

4483 US Hwy 70 W, Kinston

Date: 3/26

Score: 93


Observed food employee change tasks and not wash hands. They moved from the drive thru counter to the fryer and put on gloves to handle fried chicken, then removed their gloves and moved to their next task. No hand washing was observed.

Hand wash sink at front blocked by brooms and dustpans.

Observed splash residue inside ice machine at drink station up front.

Person in charge observed not wearing hairnet, employee with facial hair observed not wearing beard guard.

Wet wiping cloth observed on drain board of three compartment sink. Wet wiping cloths shall be held in sanitizer in between uses.

Observed cabbage cutter stored closed and wet, as well as dishes stacked wet in the dish area.

Cutting boards with deep groves observed.

Hot hold cabinet, racks used to hold trays of ,BBQ, gaskets in refrigerators, fryer sides, containers used for holding bags of sliced cabbage and the bottom shelves of work top had build up of crumbs, grease, flour, etc from use.

Spirit Cafe

2600 Aerosystems Boulevard, Kinston

Date: 4/03

Score: 100


One wet wiping cloth out on sink drainboard.

Starbucks Coffee Company

4177 W Vernon Avenue, Kinston

Date: 4/16

Score: 98.5


Caulking around 3 compartment sink and hand wash sink is being removed over time and from use. Establishment shall fix.

Broken door on chemical cabinet and water damage observed.

Front of drawers and doors visibly dirty. Observed build up of dirt, debris, crumbs, etc inside drawers and shelves as well as on the rolling metal racks under the counter/prep line. Spilled liquid in bottom of cold coffee cooler on front line.

A/C air vent above the 3 compartment sink is still rusty.


5899 Hwy 11 S, Kinston

Date: 4/20

Score: 97.5


No staff present has Certified Food Protection certification.

Employee was wearing a watch while preparing food.

Single service items were stored under there the sewer lines at the front hand wash sink.

Women's toilet was heavily soiled and almost overflowing.

Drain plug missing from dumpster. A drain plug shall be in place to prevent leakage and rodents/insects from entering dumpster.

Observed mold growth at the wall/ can wash juncture.

Lighting in walk in approx. 1.8 Foot candles of light. Lighting in walk in refrigerator still not >10 foot candles of light.

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