Neuse News

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Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A-269 An offer of $8,000.00 has been submitted for the purchase of certain property owned by the Town of La Grange, more particularly described as follows:

Parcel ID #: Lenoir County Parcel 15813 / PIN 3566-0508-0720

Address: 211 W. Washington Street, La Grange NC

Size of Lot: Approximately 0.42 acres

Description: Beginning at an iron stake in the southern right of way of West Washington Street in the Town of La Grange, North Carolina, said stake being located the following courses and distances: From the center of the intersection of South Charles Street and West Washington Streets in the Town of LaGrange, North Carolina, from the center of said intersection South 51 degrees 57' 20" East 214.13 feet to a point; thence South 60 degrees 08' 32" East 168.06 feet to the point and place of the beginning; thence continuing South 60 degrees 08' 32" East 77.96 feet to m1 iron stake, a corner with Richard Hinston; thence with the line of Richard Hinston, South 30 degrees 06' 24" West 211.57 feet to an iron stake, a corner with the Thomas Peny Heirs; thence No1ih 61 degrees 4' 33" West 75.56 feet to an iron stake; thence North 29 degrees 27' 07" East 213.62 feet to the point and place of the beginning.

Persons wishing to upset the offer that has been received shall submit a sealed bid with their offer to the Office of the Town Manager, located at La Grange Town Hall, 203 S. Center Street, La Grange, NC 28551, by 12:00 p.m. on the 5ᵗʰ day of August, 2024.

At the conclusion of the 10-day period, the Town Manager shall open the bids if any, and the highest such bid will become the new offer. If there is more than one bid in the highest amount, the first such bid received will become the new offer, and shall initiate a new 10 day upset period.

A qualifying bid is one that raises the existing offer by not less than ten percent (10%) of the first $1,000.00 of that offer and five (5%) percent of the remainder of that offer.

A qualifying higher bid must also be accompanied by a deposit in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid. The deposit may be made in cash, cashier’s check, certified check or surety bid bond. The Town will return the deposit on any bid not accepted, and will return the deposit on an offer subject to upset if a qualifying higher bid is received.

The Town will credit the deposit of the final high bidder at closing. If no qualifying upset bid is received after the initial public notice, the offer set forth above is hereby accepted and the Town Manager is authorized to execute the instruments necessary to convey the Property to Prospective Buyer.

The Town reserves the right to withdraw the Property from sale at any time before the final high bid is accepted and the right to reject at any time all bids.