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Evelyn Dove-Coleman: May Not Be Me After All--Not At Olympics

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Ever since I was referred to the North Carolina Governor's School by Mrs. Sarah Flanagan, my French teacher and the principal's wife at Savannah High School in Kinston, people referred to me as intelligent. I paid it little attention.  I just like to read, and I love words.

But recently I was intrigued by an article discussing 17 signs that someone is intelligent. Bless Peter! Some of the signs fit me. In fact, most of them seemed familiar. Unfortunately, though, one seemed way off the mark. It is the one about lifelong learning.

My friends know that whenever someone suggests going on a learning excursion or taking a class, I immediately say, "No, thank you." Or I shake my head vigorously and intone "I don't want to learn anything new." I am not ashamed of it. I have been reading and studying all of my life. And I spent my entire, lengthy career helping people. Now I do an occasional word-find puzzle or try a creative recipe just for fun.

So, maybe I don't fit the characteristics scientists say that intelligent people share. After all, the Olympics are in Paris, France right now, but I am not over there covering them while writing and parlez-vousing Francais.

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