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Evelyn Dove-Coleman: Early times

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Sadly, this generation does not know of the days when we didn't bother to lock our doors. Parents could visit each other up and down the street and not worry about their homes being bothered. Kids could safely play hopscotch or musical chairs out in the yard for hours. Neighborhood children jumped rope and took turns for hours without anybody getting upset.

Now the news is filled with infringements. People cross boundaries left and right. There is sometimes too little respect shown, even for those who deserve it the most. It's a different world. Where we used to leave our car doors unlocked in the parking lot, now carjacking incidents have made us hyper conscious about security. Just as seatbelts are required, so are locks these days.

Maybe this trend of lawlessness can be turned around. Community education efforts by police and sheriff departments are steps in the right direction. Hopefully, people do better when they know better. We can all urge those we know to mete out humane words and behavior. Each one, reach one, and watch it spread.

Evelyn established PathChoice in 1992. Reach her at

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