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Mike Parker: Grifton Lions Club planning ‘First Responders Appreciation Day’

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I live about a half mile from the North Lenoir Volunteer Fire Department across from Smith’s Café, so I am within easy ear-shot of the fire alarm that summons the volunteer firefighters and emergency personnel. That alarm can go off at any time – day or night – and during any kind of weather.

The department may be responding to a fire, a vehicle accident, or a person in need of lift-assist. When I hear that alarm, I know a dozen or more volunteers will answer that call.

I dare say few of these brave men and women ever hear “Thank you” for the life-saving services they render.

Most of those who are not directly involved in one of the volunteer fire departments have no idea how much time these people dedicate to training, equipment and facilities upkeep – not to mention the hundreds of calls departments receive in any given month – or week. The minimum training a fire fighter must have to fight actual fires is 100 hours – roughly the equivalent of two and a half weeks of a full-time job.

The Grifton Lions Club is planning a special day next year to host an “Appreciation Day” for first responders on March 22 at the Grifton Train Depot. I spoke with John Pate, Beverly Craft, and Charlie Herring about their plans for this spe. They have reached out to first responders in Lenoir, Pitt, and Greene counties – 50 departments in all.

“Appreciation Day” will feature a number of activities. One highlight will be cooking competitions. Some may want to enter the Rib Cook-Off. Others may want to show off their talent at the Mac & Cheese competition. Some others may want to showcase their expertise in preparing Desserts. All cooking competitions will awards trophies to the winners.

All who compete in the Rib Cook-Off must do the cooking on-site, but those who participate in the Mac & Cheese and Dessert competitions may prepare their dishes off-site.

Young people 13 and under may enter the Dessert Cook-off for free. Those 13 and above must pay $50 to enter the Rib Cook-Off, and $15 to enter either the Mac & Cheese or Dessert competition.

Each first responder who comes to Appreciation Day will register for door prizes. Raffle tickets will also be available for a 50/50 drawing. Each ticket will cost $2 and the Lions hope to sell 1,000 tickets. A variety of vendors will also be onsite. Those who attend can also have vision and hearing screenings for free.

The event is still in the planning stage. At present, the Grifton Lions Club is seeking sponsors to help raise money to fund the contributions that will be made to individual first responders as well as to departments.

The top level of sponsorship – the Platinum Level – is $5,000. Those supporting at the Platinum level will be recognized as a Premiere Event Sponsor with exclusive logo placement on all event materials. The Platinum level sponsors will also receive mention in all press releases, advertisements, and media coverage.

Other levels are Gold Sponsorship at $1,000; Silver Sponsorship for $500; and Bronze Sponsorship for $250. Platinum, Gold, and Silver sponsors will have the opportunity to have a booth at the event to promote the company or services. Those who give less than $250 will be recognized as Community Sponsors.

The Grifton Lions Club is attempting a massive undertaking. The Lions need your help. Consider becoming a sponsor to show your appreciation for the work of these brave men and women who put the needs of others first.

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, contact the Grifton Lions Club at or call 252-468-0596.

To keep in touch as this special day develops, visit the Grifton Lions Club Facebook page [].

Mike Parker is a columnist for the Neuse News. You can reach him at 

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