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Lesley Rigsby: The million-dollar question

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The million-dollar question- “What is my purpose?” Have you ever asked yourself this question? For many people the purpose in their life is the very meaning of their existence. Without knowing their purpose, they often suffer with not knowing their significance. We then fall prey to the illusion that our lives don’t matter, or we have no impact or connection with the world around us. This is absolutely a lie straight from Hell. Each person is significant and has a purpose for their life. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord”, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Why do we struggle with knowing our purpose? We often let what society or those in power (in this world) deem what or who is significant. The mindset that bigger is better. This career is more important than that one.  If you don’t have the latest and greatest you’re not in the cool group. If you don’t wear a size 00 you are not beautiful. All these things we hear from an early age begin to make us feel insignificant. But my hope and desire is that we can begin to see things in a different mindset. Bigger is not always better because it usually come at a great cost. It takes not only doctors and lawyers but stay at home moms and blue-collar workers to make our community operate well. In 6 months the latest and greatest will be replaced with a newer version or model. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. 

When we are willing to let go of what the world says is significant, we can then focus on the truth. The truth that we are all important. Without teachers there would never be doctors or lawyers. Without electricians we would not have power to run our lights. Without soldiers we would not have some of the freedoms we are so blessed to have today. Without you, the world would not be the same. It would not be the same for your friends because they would not have you to laugh with or cry with. Without you, your children would not be here. Without you, the job you do would not be getting done. 

So, what is your purpose? What is my purpose? It is to be who God created me to be. It is for me to use the gifts and talents He has given to me to my very best ability. It is for me to make a difference in someone’s life by just being a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. This world does not define your significance. Make today the day you tell yourself- I am important! I am needed! I can make a difference! I have a purpose, and I will walk in it. Until next time remember, you are loved. You are special, and you are not alone. Come see me Friday, September 27 at the EPIC Center – 304N Queen Street- during our open house any time from 4-7. Everyone is welcome to stop by.

Lesley Rigsby

Kinston Center Director

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