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Mike Parker: Brace yourself: Busy weekend coming up!

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For those who complain that “there’s nothing to do in Kinston,” brace yourselves for this coming weekend. 

For example, the Association of Congregations has scheduled “A Night of Christian Music” beginning at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 7, at the Kinston High School Performing Arts Center. All proceeds will benefit the Bible History classes taught in Lenoir County’s three high schools. 

I wrote my last column about this event and the cause it supports. If you would like more information, then visit: 

But “A Night of Christian Music” is just one of several events going on in our community. Perhaps the most important event for historical tourism is the “160th Anniversary of the Battle of Wyse Fork” tour. 

The Historic Preservation Group, Save the Wyse Fork Battlefield, CSS Neuse Museum, Friends of the CSS Neuse Museum, CSS Neuse II, and Visit Kinston are combining efforts to present this weekend of events. “The Faces of War – Seeing the Elephant” will allow participants to walk where soldiers fought and hear their experiences during the Battle of Wyse Fork that occurred between March 7th-10th, 1865. 

Guests will spend two days and one night immersed in the history of the Battle of Wyse Fork and the Civil War. The days will be filled with battlefield tours, lectures, stories, spirited spies, and soldiers. 

Another historical milestone is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the opening of the CSS Neuse Museum in downtown Kinston. From 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, 2025, this living history event will feature volunteers and interpreters stationed throughout the museum to share information about displays and exhibits. 

Some of the living history displays and demonstrations include “Homefront Soldier Life – 51st NC Infantry,” “Rope Making,” “Sailor Life,” “Toys and Games,” “Local Businesses,” “Medicine,” and “Naval Stores.” 

At 11 a.m. in the museum’s A/V Room, Cliff Tyndall will present his book, “A Snapshot of Kinston and Lenoir County During the Civil War.” Jim Reifinger will give a presentation on Civil War pistols at 1 p.m. Matthew Young will present on “The Crew of the CSS Neuse” at 2 p.m. 

The CSS Neuse Museum is located at 100 North Queen Street. Regular admission fee applies. 

You can also experience the captivating story of Rose O’Neal Greenhow, brought to life by Emily Lapisardi, during a dinner theater from 6-8:30 p.m. on Friday, March 7, and Saturday, March 8, at the CSS Neuse Museum. This remarkable tale of a Confederate female spy promises to enthrall and engage. I have seen Emily portray Greenhow before. Her performance is riveting. 

Those who have different interests can enjoy three days and two nights of Jeeps and Overland Vehicles Off-Roading. This event features vendors, music, camping, and much more. The event will be held from Friday, March 7, through Sunday, March 9, at the Lenoir County Fairgrounds, 401 Fairgrounds Road in Kinston. 

All off-road capable vehicles, such as Land Rovers, Broncos, Tacoma, 4Runners, Rangers, Jeeps, and Land Cruisers, and all their cousins, are welcome to register. A single-day pass is $10 per person, and a weekend pass is $20 per person. 

To get your pass, visit . To register for camping or RV spots, visit 

Find something that suits your interests and take advantage of these many offerings. You will be glad you did. 

Mike Parker is a columnist for the Neuse News. You can reach him at

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