Michelle Gooding: The joy of knowing Jesus

Michelle Gooding: The joy of knowing Jesus

In my neighborhood, Christmas lights pave the way. One particular house has carved letters colored bright white with a spotlight illuminating “J-O-Y.” As I stopped for a moment, time stood still. I basked in my belief that Jesus is joy. And since Jesus is the reason for this Christmas season, how fitting for such a display. My mind wandered to the words of an old song we used to sing in church, “This Joy that I have the world didn’t give it to me, the world didn’t give it and the world can’t take it away.”  

The joy of knowing Jesus as my savior is a calming assurance amid all that transpires, whether good, bad or indifferent. I have a spiritually intrinsic and untouchable, delightful feeling of great pleasure and happiness. I find joy in knowing that I am in the hands of a loving God who cares for me and all that concerns me.  

This Christmas, I am sharing Jesus with others through sharing time and kind words, as well as warm, meaningful and unrushed conversation. I believe this will allow others to glimpse the joy that I have been afforded through a relationship with a loving God.  

In the birth of our savior, all nations should rejoice because God has been faithful to the house of Israel and delivered salvation to the earth. Psalms 98 reminds us to “sing for the Lord has done marvelous things” and to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord”.  Be joyful today. The Bible says it this way, “Let the floods clap their hands: let the hills be joyful together”.

So, come on, let’s belt out the good ole Christmas carol inspired by Psalms 98, “Joy to the World”

“Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare him room. And Heaven and nature sing.”

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