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Kristy Kelly: Fear mongering - the tactic of cowards and chaos

Fear mongering is a tactic of cowards and those who thrive on instability. It preys on emotions, exploiting fear to grab attention and manipulate behavior. In today’s world, where media outlets compete for clicks and shares, fear has become the currency of engagement. News is no longer about informing the public—it’s about capturing attention and keeping people hooked.

Mike Parker: SMS2025 offers insights into marketing through AI and Social Media

I came into this world at a time when the foundational ideas of computer technology were in its infancy. I was born in 1950 – just a decade after the race for computer dominance began. In 1939, George Stibitz, a scientist at Bell Labs, produced the “Model K” Adder using relays and circuitry that provided proof of concept for applying Boolean logic to the design of computers.

Cooking with Tammy Kelly: Seasonal Eating, Enjoy Winter Vegetables

Having a Happy New Year so far?  Looking for just one more resolution, one you can actually stick to?  The new Year and January are the perfect time to experiment with seasonal produce.  Most of you can easily recall strawberry and tomato seasons but you can you name the seasonal vegetables for January?  Generally, we are somewhat less familiar with what’s in season this time of year.  Here’s what’s in season in January and below are some recipes that will give you ways to use them.

Kristy Kelly: New year, same me

As I scroll through all the "New Year, New Me" posts on social media this week, I can’t help but laugh. New year, same me. No matter how many plans I make, lists I create, or adorable gel pens I buy, procrastination is my loyal companion. There’s no denying it: I will always be the person who waits until the absolute last moment to start a project.

Kristy Kelly: Overwhelmed with gratitude

If I could have any superpower, what would it be? This question was asked during a recent video project I worked on. Without hesitation, or much thought, I said invisibility. I’ve spent a lifetime perfecting the art of blending in—being seen but not noticed. True invisibility held a deep appeal.

Mike Parker: Some considerations as we enter the New Year

As we come to the beginning of a new year, most of us give at least a little thought to making some New Year’s resolutions. I gave up on making New Year’s resolutions because I never could stick to most of them. Of course, one of my resolutions always was to lose weight. I read a recent article that said we should not make such a resolution because we will end up being unhappy, unsuccessful, or both.