LCC nursing student saves the life of a customer at King's Restaurant

LCC nursing student saves the life of a customer at King's Restaurant

A local nursing student put her skills to use in a great way recently.

Camryn Koonce recently saved the life of a customer at King’s Restaurant. Koonce, a North Lenoir graduate and current nursing student at Lenoir Community College, works at the restaurant and sprang into action on her shift once she saw the customer having trouble breathing.

“My manager got me and I just walked over to start the Heimlich maneuver,” Koonce said.

King’s manager Barbara Gooding said she knew Koonce had training and didn’t hesitate to contact her for assistance.

“I saw the (customer) coughing and choking, and I knew Camryn was qualified to perform the maneuver,” Gooding said. “She went over to the customer and asked her to stand up so she could perform the Heimlich and within a few minutes she was perfectly fine.

“I feel grateful we have someone like Camryn here, especially under those types of circumstances. She was able to help the customer out in a quick and calm manner through the situation.”

Koonce, who is set to graduate next year from LCC, said there was no hesitation in assisting.

“I just knew this was something I needed to do,” Koonce said. “I’m in school for nursing and I want to help others, so this was a way to do it.”

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