Neuse News

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Letter to the Editor: Walter L. Adams Jr. (Jones County)

It seems to be self-evident that the monument protection legislation that was put in place to protect historical artifacts, monuments, etc., in North Carolina is not worth the paper it was written on. The actions of the criminal mobs that pulled down the Confederate monument in Durham and Silent Sam at Chapel Hill prove the above assertion. 

It did not take long for the cultural genocide that has occurred in other states to arrive in North Carolina. The removal of Confederate monuments and related artifacts at the local level is at hand. With our illustrious governor in Raleigh chomping at the bit to remove all Confederate-related items from public view, it is only a matter of time.

What then will be the fate of the Confederate soldier at the Lenoir County Visitors Center, the CSS Neuse museum, the CSS Neuse II, etc? The perpetrators of Southern Cultural Genocide could care less about the legal fine points in their insane quest to remove all things Confederate!

Walter L. Adams Jr.
Jones County