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Letter to the editor: Jamie Jones (La Grange)

Dear Editor,

Do citizens of La Grange know what is happening? This letter is in reference to the proposed rezoning of properties from R18, Highway Commercial, and R12 to Zone 10, located at Carey Street and Kings Road, Record Number 15826, and East Washington Street and Franklin Street, Record Number 16326, by developers SP&D La Grange, LLC and MC Morgan & Associates, respectively. After attending last Monday night’s Town Council meeting, I am now informed and have questions, as should we all.

Question 1 — Why does a property need rezoning in order to sell it?  

ANSWER:  The potential developers cannot follow through with their proposed project without this rezoning!

Question 2 — Who are the developers and what do they develop?  

ANSWER: The representative for SP&D, potential developers of the Carey Street and Kings Road, stated they were looking to develop a multi-unit housing complex (apx. 74 units) that is based off less than 60 percent of the median income for La Grange, which would make the housing “affordable.”  Likewise, Mr. Morgan, owner of MC Morgan & Associates, who also spoke at the meeting, states on his LinkedIn page that he is a, “Real Estate owner specializing in the development of LIHTC properties throughout the Carolina's.”  LIHTC, when googled, means, “Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and is the federal government's primary program for encouraging the investment of private equity in the development of affordable rental housing for low-income households.”

Question 3 — Why are the developers NOT looking at property that is already R10, owned by the town, and has sewer and utilities already run?  This property would be more readily available to developers.

ANSWER:  We do not have an answer and the town staff has yet to provide one.  Posed to the council at the meeting, that question received no response.

Additionally, a citizen-wide poll was used and considered for both the community centers and proposed park. However, our consideration on something that could negatively affect ALL CITIZENS is not needed? Unless we want to relinquish our property values and neighborhoods, then we have no choice but to act and make our voices heard!

We must stop the rezoning of the two properties in question or we lose any chance of stopping developers from building multi-unit housing on these properties, now or in the future. Please make plans to attend the next town meeting on Monday, April 1 at 6 p.m.!  


Jamie Jones
La Grange

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