Arendell Parrott Academy opens 55th school year
New Parrott student Caroline Keenan (left) is welcomed to the sophomore class by Lily Elmore. Submitted photo.
From the line of white and blue buses pulling into the school parking lot to the just-purchased book bags filled with fresh notebooks and pencils, Opening Day at Arendell Parrott Academy was a blend of the old and the new. The school has traditionally held its first day of classes on the third Monday of August, giving students a head-start on local public schools. This year, seven new faculty members and 79 new students join the school community.
Ready to head home after his first day of middle school, 6th grader David Dunn waits to be picked up.
On their first day of kindergarten, these Parrott students are excited to line up for class. Left to right: Josiah Kim, Kalee Barfield, and Noah Brinson.
New middle and high school students received an orientation on Tuesday the 13th, while new teachers were welcomed during the faculty meeting days on August 15th and 16th. For parents, two Back-to-School nights on the 19th and 20th give an opportunity to meet their kids’ teachers in their classrooms.
Assistant Headmaster Hugh Pollock is kicking off his fifty-second year as a member of the APA faculty. “Today’s opening went very smoothly,” he noted. “We’re fortunate to have once again a large and diverse student body. Parents continue to send their children here for the challenges our school offers. We encourage students to reach their maximum academic potential and give them the opportunity to pursue many other areas of interest, from sports to fine arts and community service.”