Letter to the Editor: Dr. Janet Stivers-Blaebaum in support of Steve Saint-Amand

Letter to the Editor: Dr. Janet Stivers-Blaebaum in support of Steve Saint-Amand

I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I am registered as an Independent. ‘Independence' is a character trait that runs in my family. I don’t want a political party to tell me how to think or vote. That being said, I was raised in a conservative setting with family members leaning left and giving influence. And I was raised in the 60s and 70s. All are factors in my thinking. Yet, I  prefer to collect the facts and analyze them myself. It is what is required of me as a citizen of the United States of America. It is part of the “participation” that is needed by the electorate to maintain a true Democracy in this Republic. Participation in self-governance is the foundation of what our country is founded upon. 

OK. Picture me standing in the parking lot of South Lenoir High School two years ago having been assigned the position of Assistant Principal. I had been a teacher and administrator, primarily, within Kinston for close to 20 years and had been cultivated to politically ‘lean a little left’ which, naturally, I do. I wondered how I would fit in with the ‘entrenched south of the river folks’. I can get along with anyone from Lucifer to Jesus, so I wasn’t really worried. Just wondering. I was pleasantly surprised.

I had a preconceived notion of Steve Saint-Amand as a redneck character running a redneck school. That notion couldn’t be further from the truth. Mr. Saint-Amand welcomed me professionally with everything he should say and personally with everything he wanted me to feel. Because of this, I felt like a member of SLHS from the beginning. I feel that today because of the culture that Mr. Saint-Amand established and maintained during his long leadership. He soon learned of my ‘left-leaning’ and wanted to see what I was made of. We had many political, philosophical, politically philosophical discussions. I believe that he loved them as I did. And we, unlike the national politicians of today, could speak our beliefs, hear the other’s and be open to change. I learned that he was not a redneck (though he has redneck tendencies lol) and that, in fact, he has incredible abilities in analyzing data, connecting with people of all socio-economic levels, managing personnel with empathy, and a great capacity to multi-task. 

But all of these positive characteristics are not why I will vote for Steve Saint-Amand. The reason that I will vote for him is that I know in my heart that he (honest to God) looks in the mirror every day and asks himself if he has served his people to the best he can. For two years, I have witnessed Steve Saint-Amand go the extra mile for ANY of his students. Didn’t matter where they lived, didn’t matter who their people were . . . he was ready to be there for them. I  will vote for Steve Saint-Amand for County Commissioner At Large (or any position he aspires to) because I feel that he is capable, empathetic . . . but mostly HONEST. 

Dr. Janet Stivers-Blaebaum
Kinston, NC

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