Parrott students gift local food banks

Parrott students gift local food banks

Photo: (left to right) Parrott seventh graders Tanner Outlaw and Carter Hoffman contribute to the school’s traditional Thanksgiving canned goods drive.

Thursday November 19 ended Parrott Academy’s annual Middle School canned goods drive. The Middle School Council challenged 169 of their classmates in grades six through eight to “stock the cubbies” that line the corridor.  Over the past two weeks, the kids have brought in a cornucopia of non-perishables. 

The items will be distributed to organizations in four different communities that Parrott serves: Kinston’s Fairfield Community Center, Greene County’s Interfaith organization, Greenville’s St. James Methodist Church and Jarvis Methodist Church, and New Bern’s Religious Community Services. 

Shivar Person and Melissa Warren, faculty advisers to the Middle School Council explained that this service project is a longstanding tradition at Parrott. Head of the Middle School Crystal Lewis added,  “With everything going on this year, our food drive is a necessary and important way for our students to give back to their local communities this Thanksgiving season.” 

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