Letter to the editor: Blessed to be a blessing

Letter to the editor: Blessed to be a blessing

It's Thanksgiving Day, and I woke up at 3:00 a.m. It's about the time of day I used to get up to put my turkey in the oven and go back to bed. But this year, I didn't have to prepare my own turkey. My long-time friend, Shurli Edwards of Carrboro, said she would cook my turkey for me since I was recently hospitalized at Duke for 11 days with an elevated blood pressure incident. Shurli and I have been friends for decades, and she is always a blessing. She helped me when my twin sons were small. She was there for me during a misguided relationship. She provided safe shelter when I needed it. She is a spiritual rock.

When I nearly died in September, it was an eye-opener. I still marvel at how much love has come my way from friends and family since then. I remember thinking once that I would like to know what it feels like for someone to love me like the couples we see in movies. But God showed me something even better. My family and friends have done some amazing things. One brought me crab legs and shrimp from Arnetta's Seafood. One brought me grapes that she and her grandson had picked. One cooked me some beef stew. One calls my sister every day to check on how I am doing. Some sent me cards and flowers. Others text or email me messages of hope and healing nearly every day. My nephew's young children brought me pineapple. My niece's pre-teen son recited The Lord's Prayer with me by phone.

I have so looked forward to Thanksgiving this year, partly because I feel so blessed to be alive. I could hardly wait. So it is not surprising that I woke up at 3:00 a.m. with expectancy of a wonderful day. When Shurli brought the turkey she cooked for me, she also brought stuffing, string beans, potato salad, and cabbage. She is the best cook on the planet and she surprised me with a feast. My cup runneth over. I am so grateful, and by the grace of God, I am able to continue to provide prayer and pastoral counseling through PathChoice Ministry (www.pathchoicepastoralcounseling.weebly.com).

Ev is the founder of PathChoice Ministry, a nonprofit established in Chapel Hill in 1992, and expanded to several cities since then.

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