Two students and a pickup truck plus some grit

Two students and a pickup truck plus some grit

Photo: Randy Villigran and Christian Gonzalez.

by Carolyn Newcomb

Greene Early College Super Seniors, Christian Gonzalez and Randy Villigran, took a leap of faith in Fall 2019. After working the summer of 2019 with a reputable landscape contractor and gaining the experience, these two young men ventured out on their own in the Fall. 

They pooled their own money for startup costs to buy equipment and supplies for a lawn/yard care business, Green Coast Landscape.  As more work opportunities became available, there was a need for more and more supplies and tools.  So, they kept reinvesting money earned from their jobs and buying needed tools and supplies. When asked if Early College had helped grow their business, both were quick to emphasize the need and expectation of meeting a deadline and math skills gained in managing their income and expenses. 

A prime example of learned math skills is measuring to determine the amount of mulch needed.  Although they depend on word of mouth to grow their business, the technical skills learned at GEC has helped.  They both chuckled as they remembered their ninth-grade English teacher, Emily Garris, who taught them how to make iMovies, which they utilize on their Facebook page and Instagram.  Plans are in the works to build their own website to showcase their skills.  According to Christian and Randy, the best part of the job is a satisfied, smiling customer at the completion of a job.

After graduating Spring 2021 with a LCC Associate degree and high school diploma, they plan to continue in the business  In addition, both have completed basic welding certifications through LCC.  Christian will also enter East Carolina University to study the information and technology field.  

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