Jones County Public Schools to serve breakfast and lunch
JCPS will begin serving breakfast and lunch at all schools sites beginning on Wednesday, March 18th from 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. daily. Meals will be distributed in the form of grab and go for ages 0-18.
Students do not need to be present. (Note: For JSHS (7-12) we will set up tables outside near the cafeteria end of our circle drive for people to drive through to "grab & go" meals as needed. The meals provided will be lunch for that day and breakfast for the following day).
Parents/guardians will receive student learning packets from school staff when they pick up lunch. (Note: For JSHS (7-12) all students will be sent information for our "Online Learning Opportunities" via email through their respective teacher's google classrooms since each of our students have a 1:1 device.
That being said, if a student / family does not have wi-fi access via their laptop, gaming system, or phone, then we will be prepared to make needed copies of student work to provide to this student / family.)