Reece Gardner: The reopening of America

Reece Gardner: The reopening of America

Our country is reopening,  and I want to recognize some of the movers and shakers who are leading us in that direction. Governor Ron DeSantis shouted two words which were heartily welcomed this week. Those two words were, "Play Ball," and that set in motion the reopening of major sports throughout Florida. DeSantis then issued this statement:  "All professional sports are welcome in Florida for practicing and playing, and I will say to commissioners of leagues that if you have a team in an area where you are not at this time allowed to operate, we'll find a place for you in Florida."

It was probably no coincidence that NFL teams have now begun reopening their facilities, as directed by Commissioner Roger Goodell. Also, many states are now allowing salons and barbershops to reopen, along with bars, restaurants, gyms, and schools. Also, businesses are reopening at a rapid pace throughout the country. Governor Kemp of Georgia was one of the leaders in that effort, and he is to be praised for taking what was at the time a challenging stand. 

I saw a personal example of this as the firm my beautiful daughter Jessica is with, Natural Stone Services, seemed initially to be out of operation, but now that firm is back in operation "Full Speed Ahead" in the restoration and maintenance of marble, granite, terrazzo, and ceramic tile in the Atlanta area. Standing up to the authorities is not easy, but a lot of people are doing just that in order to get our country moving again. 

A few recent examples of that are:  Michigan, where Gov. Whitmer has had to temper her dictatorial whim as auto workers return to work and businessmen like Karl Manke are taking her to court and prevailing; Wisconsin:  Liberal Governor Evers' had her Lockdown order struck down by the Wisconsin Supreme Court, prompting GOP Senator Feyen to declare that Wisconsin residents can now engage in "Good old-fashioned common sense and personal responsibility;" North Carolina:  A federal court has blocked Gov. Roy Cooper's executive order that had placed restrictions on  worship services, which prompted Conservative Sen. Warren Daniel to say, "Today's decision is a victory for the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of Worship."  Folks, it is clear that the vast majority of Americans have become Quaranteen-Weary, and are insisting on getting back into life!

Now to close on a humorous note:  During History class the teacher was discussing George Washington.  "Not only did George Washington chop down the cherry tree," she explained, "But he also admitted to doing it. Does anyone know why his father did not punish him?"  After a few minutes of silence, little Johnny answered, "Maybe because George still had the ax in his hand?"

Have a wonderful day!

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