Reece Gardner: Examples of recent government powergrabs

Reece Gardner: Examples of recent government powergrabs

Folks, in the midst of the sad stories about the negative aspects of the coronavirus, there is also a lot of good news. The American company Maderno is promoting a vaccine that could spell the end of this virus. The announcement was made last Monday, and the first stage of the vaccine trials are already underway, the mid-stage study will start soon, and the late stage will proceed in July. If it proves to be effective, we could have a vaccine by August. 

We are going to be hearing a lot about this development in the days to come, and there are many sources predicting a good outcome. Other good news is occurring daily, with companies, both large and small, moving back into the market place. As I reported in last week's column, My Jessica's company, Stone Care Services, in the Atlanta area, is back and is going full speed ahead.

Also, my son Reece has good news about his company, Polymershapes, which is a premier distributor of plastic sheets, rod, tube, film, and associated products. Reece is Director of Appliance Development for the company, which is located throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Chile, and it continues to grow. So let's "talk up" the many positives going on all around us, and realize that we are very blessed and that the best is yet to come.

Still, we need to be aware of the negatives which are being promoted by various governors and other "leaders" who see themselves as our judges and jurors. But we are not a nation run by dictators, we are a Republic, guaranteeing the right of free enterprise and the right to earn and possess private capital. Some brief examples of recent "powergrabs" by the zealots:

(1): The Governor of New York decreed that nursing homes must accept patients who have the coronavirus, and he was joined in this horrendous act by governors of Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Hampshire, and Minnesota, bringing about the tragic deaths of thousands of nursing home residents, many of whom died without the chance to say a last goodbye to loved ones, and this in spite of the fact that nearby hospitals, fully staffed and ready to serve, were available; 

(2): The Mayor of New York City arrogantly announced that he was forbidding anyone from trying to swim in New York beaches and that anyone caught doing so would be pulled from the water and dealt with severely;

(3) The Governor of Michigan announced that she would allow a maximum of only 10 people in the church, and that anything above that number would bring about the arrest of everyone there;

And (4):  The Governor of California announced that he would have spies on the ground and drones in the air to apprehend any who violate his lockdown.

I want to hearken back to words spoken by Allen McIntosh a few years ago, concerning his love for America:  "I'm an American who gets a lump in his throat every time he hears the Star Spangled Banner, and who feels that certain sense of pride when he hears the chilling high notes of the brassy trumpet as Old Glory reaches the top of the flagpole. I'm an American who thanks a merciful Lord that he was so lucky to be born an American citizen, a nation under God, with truly justice and mercy for all. It is because we love our country that we must dedicate ourselves to preserving the principles on which it was founded, and if we're willing, you and I, to go out and bring the light of truth to others, as God gives us the wisdom to see that light, we shall not fail!"   

Now for a little humor:  There were three guys named Jackson who were all in the clothing business. Due to lack of real estate options in their city, they all set up shop next door to each other. In order to convince customers to come to their store rather than to one of the other Jacksons, they all put up signs to attract customers. 

The one on the left put up a sign that said, "Jackson's Clothing Store (BEST PRICES!)" Not to be outdone, the one on the right put up a sign that said, "Jackson's Clothing Store (BEST QUALITY!)."

The one in the middle thought about it for a while, and eventually put up a sign of his own: "Jackson's Clothing Store (MAIN ENTRANCE!)" 

Have a wonderful day!

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