Mike Parker: CSS Neuse II set to reopen on June 6

Mike Parker: CSS Neuse II set to reopen on June 6

When the COVID-19 struck our nation and state, the board of directors for the CSS Neuse Foundation decided at its March 16 meeting to remain unopened during the period of “shelter at home” directive from Gov. Cooper.

 “At our last meeting on May 18, we polled every board member. All of our volunteers and board members are ready to restart our history lessons,” said David Mooring, president of the Neuse Foundation. “We want to share our area’s Civil War and maritime history.”

“But I realize our volunteers could be putting their health at risk. If one of them comes in contact with someone positive for COVID-19, two weeks of quarantine from family is a steep price to pay.”

Many docents who serve on the CSS Neuse II are in their 60’s and some have had health issues. Mooring said board members also expressed concern for the well-being of visitors to the replica.

Since Gov. Cooper placed the state on Phase II status, the board felt the Neuse II could safely open – with thoughtful precautions in place.

On Saturday June 6, the CSS Neuse II will once again open its main door for visitors. To ensure safety for all, the board is asking all visitors to observe these safety measures until such time as the threat of the COVID-19 virus has passed. All docents will set up outside the Neuse II on the dock. They will be ready and eager to answer any and all questions anyone has about the original CSS Ram Neuse or the full-sized replica.

When visitors approach the entrance to the Neuse II, the board has instructed docents to enact these precautions for everyone’s safety. First, in order to enter, a visitor must submit to a temperature check. Anyone with an elevated temperature will not be allowed to board the vessel.

Second, the Neuse II volunteers will have hand sanitizer ready for visitors to use before boarding the Neuse II.  All adults must use the hand sanitizer the Neuse II board is providing. The board asks that parents have hand sanitizer appropriate for their children.

Third, visitors are urged to practice social distancing. Stay at least six to eight feet away from others not in your immediate household. Social distancing has worked well to reduce transmission of COVID-19.

Fourth, if you feel sick, do not come for a visit. Please come back when you feel well.

The board recommends but does not require the use of face masks. Visitors need to provide their own face masks. Use of face masks is not for personal protection as much as for the protection of others. The board also recommends wearing gloves.

The board has also rescheduled “Breakfast on the Boat” to Saturday, June 20. This “Breakfast on the Boat” will be more a “Breakfast at the Boat.” Tables will not be set up to allowing eating inside the boat. Social distancing cannot be maintained when people are crowded in such an enclosed space. Instead, tables will be set up on the grounds to maintain appropriate distances.

“The Gunboat Boys” will be performing, but they will set up outside on the dock and likely use a PA system for sound reinforcement. This musical group is noted for its performance of Civil War period music as well as bluegrass favorites.

Of course, if COVID-19 begins to ramp up again, then all these plans could change. At present, the board is trying to get things back to some semblance of normal.

As always, the CSS Neuse Foundation needs your support. The CSS Neuse II stands as a testimony to the commitment of this community to its history. The need for community support and commitment continues.

If you have misgivings about visiting the Neuse II at this time but would still like to support the Neuse Foundation’s work, you can send a check made out to the CSS Neuse Foundation to Post Office Box 251, Kinston, NC 28502-0251. I assure you: no donation is too small – or too large.

Mike Parker, a member of the Neuse Foundation board, is a columnist for Neuse News. You can reach him at mparker16@gmail.com .

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