Letter to the editor: LCPS reopening plan petition

Letter to the editor: LCPS reopening plan petition

To whom it may concern:

I am emailing you to respectfully request your consideration in publishing my response to the LCPS reopening plan. I have started a petition asking the LCPS School Board to reconsider their reopening plan. I posted the following response to their Facebook page:

I speak as a parent that completed the LCPS parent survey. I speak as a parent that watched the entirety of the school board meeting last evening, 7/27/2020. I speak as a person that understands there is no way to please everyone and that whatever decision was made would not have pleased everyone. 

I have read many of the posts from happy parents and angry parents. I can see both sides however, the thing that truly bothers me about the decision made yesterday is that it took away choice. Parents were able to go into this meeting believing that they had some form of choice. If you didn’t want your child back at school you at least had the option of choosing to do all remote learning. You had a choice. The parents that were comfortable sending their children back to school could choose to follow the hybrid plan B that the school board chose. 

Parents could have chosen to do all remote learning if they didn’t want their kids back at school and parents could have chosen to do the hybrid plan if they were comfortable sending their kids back to school. There was at least some form of a choice. Now because of one school board member changing the plan at the last minute, and other members just going along with it, parental choice is gone. I pray that the school board will reconsider this plan and at least give parents some form of a choice.

I have started a petition requesting that LCPS School Board reconsider their decision and give parents the opportunity to choose hybrid plan B or plan C. The link to the petition is http://chng.it/TmVmqpFK. At the time of this email there are 169 signatures.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Venita Wright
Kinston, NC

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