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Digital Blog: Simple moves that can help you build a better image online

Originally published by Magic Mile Media’s social media team.

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The importance of having an online presence is something that many businesses learned about this year. As many have found out, it's not enough to just have an online presence though. It's important that you build on and improve your online image. This might sound a bit complicated, but there are some simple things you can do to get you started.

Create Positive Content

Your business should be associated with positivity. After all, you don't want to be the one that has the problems, you want to be the one with the solutions to the problems. To promote that, create positive content for your website and social media profiles. As it turns out, people prefer positive posts. Keep your content uplifting and oriented on solutions. It's okay to identify the problems those solutions are for, but don't let that be the focus of your content.

Ask for Reviews

Most people will look at a business's reviews before going to them for the first time. As such, asking for reviews can do some great things for your online image, especially if they are positive reviews. Immediately after a positive experience is the best time to ask for a review. Even negative reviews can be beneficial. They offer you an opportunity to see where your business stands to improve. You may also have a chance to respond to those reviews. This can help you show consumers who haven't interacted with your business before what you're all about and how you handle problems when they arise.

Update Regularly

Regularly updating your website is a good way to show search engines that you are a relevant website. This can help you rank higher in search engine results, which increases your online visibility. Many people don't look past the first page of Google search results, which means that if you aren't in one of those coveted spots you may as well be invisible in most cases. Consider updating your web copy if it could use some added depth to it. You might regularly add new content in the form of blog posts. If you have a page featuring your staff, make sure that's up to date as well.

Your business needs to have a good online image in order to reach its full potential as a company. Start by creating positive content for your site, asking for reviews, and updating your site regularly. These simple moves can get you started on the road to building a better image online for your business.

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