Local Boy Scout council honors Dick Maddux as Distinguished Citizen Award recipient

 By: H. Ray Franks


The Caswell Boy Scout Distinguished Citizen’s Luncheon, honoring Richard “Dick” Maddux will be held on Tuesday, October 19, 11:30 a.m. at the Kinston Country Club, 1501 Country Club Drive, Kinston, NC. If you would like to attend email Teresa.Rose@scouting.org . Chairman for the event is Oscar “Skip” Green, III. He is assisted by John Marston. Attendees are encouraged to pledge or contribute at least $250 to financially support East Carolina Council, BSA and honor Dick Maddux. Whatever your level of support, it will be appreciated.

Richard “Dick” Maddux has been an avid community supporter in the Kinston and Lenoir County since moving here in 1980. In 1991 Richard began his Scouting service, volunteering at the Pack and Troop 41, District and Council levels. For most of those years, he has served as the East Carolina Council, BSA assistant treasurer. Dick and his sons, Tripp and Reid, are all Eagle Scouts, and Dick holds the prestigious Silver Beaver Award for service to Scouting. For 30 years Dick served the community through the Kinston Evening Rotary Club and is an active member of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. He has served the farming community through Cardinal Chemicals since 1980. 

2020 East Carolina Council achievements include: 

  • 131 Eagle Awards in 2020.  

  • Scouts collected 9 tons of food to feed the poor and homeless 

  • Distributed 10,000 gloves to protect essential workers 

  • Placed American flags on the graves of 2,000 Veterans. 

Throughout Covid the Council has adapted by developing programs for Scout units that could be done virtually. Already in August and September East Carolina Council has registered twice as many Scouts through the fall round up campaign as last year. 

To continue this record of service we need your financial support. All funds donated stay right here in eastern North Carolina and benefit the local leaders and Scouts. We need you to return your attendance reply right now to honor Richard “Dick Maddux and support the youth of eastern North Carolina.

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