Murphy on Vaccine Mandate as Violation of Patient/Doctor Relationship
Rep. Greg Murphy, M.D. (NC-03)
WASHINGTON, D.C. — This morning, Rep. Greg Murphy, M.D. (NC-03) joined dozens of his House Republican colleagues outside the U.S. Capitol for a press conference opposing President Biden’s decision to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for businesses with over 100 employees. For months, Rep. Murphy has ardently encouraged people to get the COVID-19 vaccine as a personal decision to be made between a patient and doctor. He himself has been vaccinated, and has been consistently outspoken in his support for the science, safety, and efficacy of the vaccine – while steadfast in his opposition to vaccine mandates.
In his press conference remarks today, Rep. Murphy stressed his concerns about requiring people to get the vaccine as a clear violation of the doctor/patient relationship, and outlined subsequent economic and social determinant of health consequences of mandating the vaccine.
“I have been a physician for over 30 years. When a patient walks into my office, they sign a permission form giving me permission to treat them, so they understand that,” said Murphy. “If we design a care path, if they need surgery, I explain the risks and benefits and then they sign a permission form saying that they understand the risks and benefits, and they are willing to proceed. That is the doctor/patient relationship. What has now happened with the doctor/patient relationship in medicine, has become a citizen/government relationship.”
Murphy continued, “Actions have consequences. It seems that this Administration likes to do things without understanding what their actions will cause. They’re going to cause harm to this country. We say in medicine, do no harm. They are doing just the opposite.”