Tangi Jordan receives Badge of Excellence

Tangi Jordan receives Badge of Excellence

Youth Development Center Director Tangi Jordan at Juvenile Justice received a Badge of Excellence for rendering aid and performing CPR. On a February morning, Jordan was on her way to work when she saw cars pulled over on the side of the road. There were three women, one was rendering aid to a man lying on the ground. Jordan offered to take over and began doing chest compressions.

“All I could think about was this was someones husband,” said Jordan. “That gave me the drive to keep going, although I was tired and my arms and palms were shaking.”

Jordan gave the man CPR until the paramedics arrived and took over. After the incident, Jordan went to work. When her work day ended, she went to check on the status of the man she provided CPR to and learned that he had passed away. She was greeted by his family members who thanked her for her attempt to save his life.

“The badge of excellence is an honor, but for me, having lost family of my own, just being able to render that last minute of hope, which we can’t always do is my badge of excellence,” said Jordan. “It is to be able to give it to that family.”

The next day, Jordan again went to the family’s home to bring them food and provide support in the wake of their loss. Her supervisor, Stanley Melvin nominated her for the Badge of Excellence for safety and heroism. Jordan found out she won when Melvin texted her his congratulations.

“Sometimes there is not anything planned,” said Jordan. “There are unexpected moments that matter the most.”

Jordan attributes her 25 years with the Department of Public Safety with providing her the confidence and training that allowed her to react the way she did that day.

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