Updated: Super 10 to close in downtown Kinston

Updated: Super 10 to close in downtown Kinston

Updated to include the building owner’s response:

Super 10 store manager Crystal Beamon made a post on Facebook announcing the store’s closure.

The post on Facebook said, “So my name is Crystal, I am store manager at Super Ten, I have spent 20 years of my life at this location so it is with a very saddened heart and tears in my eyes that I make this announcement. Effective January 15th, we will close our doors for the final time. It is not our wishes nor is it the wishes of our company to do this. But it is our Landlord that will not renew our lease for us to stay. That is the only reason. This store has served Kinston locals for years and many lives will be affected by this loss.”

Stephen Hill purchased the building about two years ago and discussed rental rate changes with the owners of Super 10, Variety Wholesalers. Variety Wholesalers was not interested in remaining in the same space if the cost to rent changed.

“I love Super 10,” said Hill. “I go in there and buy stuff all the time. It’s a great convenience store for me.”

The store was originally supposed to close in November, but were allowed to stay through the Christmas season. He believes the store manager might not have been told the whole story when she posted that the store was just told about the lease not being renewed.

“Corporate might have just told her, but corporate has known since August,” said Hill.

At this time, Hill does not have definitive plans for the building, but believes it would be a great location for an event space.

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