Bell introduces legislation to combat growing litter problem
Litter clogs a ditch beside Airport Road near Kinston Thursday afternoon Photo by Catherine Hardee / Neuse News
Fast food wrappers and cups, soda bottles, beer cans, liquor bottles, and cigarette packs are just a few of the types of trash that seem to multiply as if by magic on the shoulders and in the ditches of almost every road in the Kinston area.
And if it seems that there is more trash than ever before along the roadways, you are not alone in thinking that.
Legislators in Raleigh introduced legislation Tuesday to help combat the unsightly buildup of litter throughout the state. Rep. John Bell, NC House Majority Leader (R - Wayne) said there are multiple factors that have contributed to a trash crisis, not just in our area, but across the state. A state Department of Transportation budget crunch forced the suspension of contract litter pickups, and COVID-19 concerns put an end to inmate litter cleanup crews, Bell said.
Bell is a primary sponsor of HB100, the Highway Cleanup Act, which would increase the minimum fine for those found guilty of littering from $250 to $500, and the maximum fine from $1000 to $2000. The bill would also create a grant program to provide funding for rural sheriff’s offices to give overtime pay to deputies to take part in litter cleanup, and allocate funding to raise awareness about littering and existing anti-litter campaigns.
Empty liquor bottles beside Airport Road Photo by Catherine Hardee / Neuse News
While he doesn’t think this legislation will completely solve the problem, Bell said he hopes it can be a first step in a series of efforts to clean up the highways.
“The bill we filed is a starting point. We are open to anything. We want to figure out a way to put the inmate program back out there and expand contract pickups,” Bell said.
Rep. Chris Humphrey (R-Lenoir), who signed on as a co-sponsor to HB100 on Wednesday, called the legislation “timely,” saying his office had received a number of calls from constituents regarding the litter situation.
Humphrey also praised the efforts of a group of Kinston residents who have banded together to fight litter in the community.
“These folks are taking their own time and doing volunteer work that helps everybody, so hats off to them,” Humphrey said.
The group, who call themselves “Kinston’s Trash Bashers,” has used Facebook to organize weekly litter pickup groups. Local business owner Amy Albritton first got the group going, and local artist Seraphim Smith has joined, and now organizes a group that meets each Saturday morning for an hour of cleanup.
Smith said the news of HB100 was very welcome.
Bags of trash picked up by volunteers with Kinston’s Trash Bashers. These bags are part of a total of 64 bags picked up from Hull Road alone in the past 2 months. Photo by Seraphim Smith / Kinston’s Trash Bashers Facebook
“It was a lift. It’s given me hope that there are lawmakers that are wanting to do something. I think it is going to take both the community volunteers and the law enforcement to get this problem solved,” Smith said.
According to the “Trash Bashers” Facebook page, members of the group had picked up a total of 275 bags of trash from Kinston roadways since the group got started last year. Smith said he is grateful for every member of the community who has helped in these efforts, and hopes more will join in the future.
“It’s not only a really good way of taking care of our environment and getting a hold on this litter problem, but it is a mood lifter to look back and see the improvement from the work you just did,” Smith said.
If you would like to join the fight against litter, search for the “Kinston’s Trash Bashers” group on Facebook to see the specific times and locations when groups will be meeting each week.